Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Alaide Costa & Oscar Castro Neves - Alaide Costa & Oscar Castro Neves (1973)

Hello, good evening! I spent a time today looking on Loronix archives planning next month, fully dedicated on bring them back. We have a really huge collection with several nice albums, some of them bring nice memories from the days they were posted for the first time and this is an album that I never consider a candidate for an upgrade. It is probably one of the first conversions I made at Loronix and I got very pleased to show it in December 2006. Let's see.

This is Alaide Costa & Oscar Castro Neves - Alaide Costa & Oscar Castro Neves (1973), for Odeon, which is not an Alaide Costa career LP with the participation of Oscar Castro Neves, they share the role of main performers here, and the results are outstanding. Oscar Castro Neves delivers above of the average arrangements and Alaide Costa seems to be totally involved in the session, probably, the best album she ever recorded, even better than her 1965 release with the participation of Jongo Trio. If you are new to this record, consider taking it and if you already know the first issue, take it, everything was upgraded. Tracks include:

01 - Obrigada Meu Bem (Aloysio de Oliveira / Silvinha Telles)
02 - Sabe Você (Carlos Lyra / Vinicius de Moraes)
03 - Só Não Vem Você (Carlos Lyra / Ronaldo Bôscoli)
04 - Caminhos (Luis Jorge / Regina Werneck)
05 - Noturno (Em Tempo de Samba) (Custódio Mesquita / Evaldo Ruy)
06 - Companheira da Manhã (Oscar Castro Neves / Regina Werneck)
07 - Cala Meu Amor (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
08 - Outono (Billy Blanco)
09 - Murmúrios (João Pinto / Regina Célia)
10 - Retrato Em Branco e Preto (Tom Jobim / Chico Buarque)
11 - Amigo Amado (Alaíde Costa / Vinicius de Moraes)
12 - A Dama de Vermelho (Alcyr Pires Vermelho / Pedro Caetano)