I was reluctant to make this post today; something on my mind was saying to leave it for another day. Then I started wondering about waking up late on Sunday and start the day on a slow manner hearing this fantastic music. This was enough to make me confident to show this album to Loronixers as the last post of today. This is not popular music, it is classical music, but it is so beautiful that you should make a try. Perhaps O Canto da Amazonia never had a CD reissue and I'm really glad to find this album, listed as one of the 100 Brazilian essential records at Luiz Americo website.
This is Maria Lucia Godoy - O Canto da Amazonia (1969), for Museu da Imagem e do Som, recorded to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Manaus city, Amazonas state, featuring the classical singer Maria Lucia Godoy, the guitar of Neco and arrangements of Maestro Guerra Peixe. O Canto da Amazonia has also another very important Brazilian artist, the composer Waldemar Henrique, a very important artist to Amazon region by his musical translations of the Amazon legends and myths, such as: Matintaperera, Uirapuru, Curipira, among others. Waldermar Henrique is in charge of most of Side B compositions of O Canto da Amazonia.
Maria Lucia Godoy is a great surprise. I think she brings all the birds from Amazon on her singing, being also in charge of a great accomplishment, the repertoire selection. Neco proves to be a real nice musician with his guitar being heard in all tracks. A small ensemble of clarinet, flute and cello was also in this great session. I urge Loronixers to feedback this release, which is dedicated to the great Amazon region and a very good Loronix friend from Canada. Tracks include:
Maria Lucia Godoy
Maestro Guerra Peixe
Bridget Moura Castro
Odete Dias Ernest
Peter Dausberg
Track List01 - Acalanto da Rosa (Cláudio Santoro / Vinicius de Moraes)
02 - Luar de Meu Bem (Cláudio Santoro / Vinicius de Moraes)
03 - Pregão da Saudade (Cláudio Santoro / Vinicius de Moraes)
04 - Menina dos Olhos Verdes (Pedro Amorim / Pedro Tuffic)
05 - Toada Baré (Arnaldo Rebello)
06 - Mãe D'água (Guerra Peixe)
07 - Cantos de Cairé (Adpt. Villa-Lobos)
08 - Foi Boto Sinhá (Waldemar Henrique / Antônio Tavernard)
09 - Cobra Grande (Waldemar Henrique)
10 - Tanbatajá (Waldemar Henrique)
11 - Matintaperêra (Waldemar Henrique)
12 - Uirapuru (Waldemar Henrique)
13 - Curupira (Waldemar Henrique)
14 - Manhá-nungara (Waldemar Henrique)
15 - Murucututu (Tradicional)
16 - Cabocla Bonita (Tradicional)