Friday, June 09, 2006

Baden Powell - Solitude on Guitar (1971)

We have here a beautiful and rather unknown Baden Powell record from 1971, Solitude on guitar. Baden is almost unaccompanied here with some light bass line an percussion on some tracks.

This record has a sad title but does not have this mood, some tracks are quite happy and the climate is cool and relaxed.


  1. Thank you. 'Marcia, Eu Te Amo' is amazing!

  2. muito obrigado !

    I discovered your blog Zecalouro today and I must admit I'm blown away by all of these tons of wonderful brasilian music, that is absolutely amazing !! :-) Thanks so much for sharing so many hidden treasures. Keep up the good work !

    I would have only one suggestion : it would be very nice if you could put an alternative link to rapidshare, like easy-share (the servers are quite fast).

    Thanks again,

    Mike (from Paris)

    PS : btw thanks for your uploads on Demonoid ;-)

  3. OK, this is one o favorite Baden Powell recordings because the way the way the upright bass is incorporated into the mellow guitar lines. Also, it is one of the best recording for the early 70s.

  4. Hey,

    You should not miss Baden Powell - 27 Horas de Estúdio (1969), Elenco, recently issued at Loronix with FLAC files included. It is one of my favorites.

    Cheers, zeca
