Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Edu Lobo - A Musica de Edu Lobo por Edu Lobo with Tamba Trio and Luiz Eça (1963)

There is a crazy story behind today's last post. I would never remember to make this album again, which is one of the essentials records available at Loronix, released in the very beginning. If you get along with Loronix this year or in the end of last year, you will probably did not notice, since it is available far away on a given week between June or July, 2007. This is a required record on every Brazilian music collection and a mandatory update, now with high quality scans and ripping. The story, well, I'm not sure if I can tell Loronixers, so I will tell later on.

This is Edu Lobo - A Musica de Edu Lobo por Edu Lobo | Com a Participacao do Tamba Trio (1965), for Elenco. A detailed liner notes wrote by Aloysio de Oliveira defines this set, which is Edu Lobo debut LP. Tamba Trio delivers accompaniment and some backing vocals with Luiz Eca in charge of arrangements. I cannot wait to hear again the first track, Boranda, that alone worth the entire album. All songs are Edu Lobo compositions. Tracks include:


Edu Lobo
(voz, violao)

Tamba Trio
Luiz Eca
(piano, arrangements)

Track List

01 - Borandá (Edu Lobo)
02 - Resolução (Edu Lobo / Luis Fernando Freire)
03 - As Mesmas Histórias (Edu Lobo)
04 - Aleluia (Edu Lobo / Ruy Guerra)
05 - Canção da Terra (Edu Lobo / Ruy Guerra)
06 - Zambi (Edu Lobo / Vinicius de Moraes)
07 - Reza (Edu Lobo / Ruy Guerra)
08 - Arrastão (Edu Lobo / Vinicius de Moraes)
09 - Réquiem Para Um Amor (Edu Lobo / Ruy Guerra)
10 - Chegança (Edu Lobo / Oduvaldo Viana Filho)
11 - Canção do Amanhecer (Edu Lobo / Vinicius de Moraes)
12 - Em Tempo de Adeus (Edu Lobo / Ruy Guerra)


PS.: In order to avoid duplication, reposts will be made on top of the original post permalink. That's why comments from the original post remain on reposting.


  1. Tracks like "Zanzibar" break such important, fertile ground. A wonderful album in every way. I am astonished and grateful. Is this the music of your youth? Did you live through the times albums like this were made. I saw John Coltrane and had drinks with him. I was a full resident of America's golden age of jazz in the early 1960s. I hope you were a full resident of Brazil's simultaneous golden age.

  2. Que é isso!!!!!!!! O cara biritou com o coltrane. Esse blog tá com um pessoal refinado. Acho que a partir de agora tenho que postar comentários em inglês também. Agora queu quero ver. Ferrô!
    vamos ver se dá.
    Até mais.

  3. Hello David,

    Yeah! Unfortunately, I was not even inside my mother belly when this record was released in 1965.

    This music brings a so vivid portrait of the 60's that sometimes I think that I was alive and kicking by that time. I really wish I was born before this nice decade to receive "in loco" these pearls.

    However, Brazil at 60's was not so global as it is today. The records released in US, for instance, took months to arrive down here, with a very high price that just a few fans could afford. In the other hand, in 2006, I can entertain the world from my old notebook with Loronix. The world has changed.

    I got really impressed with your personal time with Coltrane. Nice! The more I got close to one of my favorites artists - Caetano Veloso - was on a line to watch a movie at the 80's.

    The gold age is now back - virtually - with Loronix.

    Thanks for the always nice comment.


  4. Hi Louro,
    I found your blog just two weeks ago and since then I cannot stop surfin'in it everyday. How nice it is !
    Congratulations for posting Edu, great musician almost unknown nowadays.
    Best wishes, keep movin' !


    PS - tem gente que birita na alta roda, né !? Se tiver condições, veja um livro chamado "O Caçador das Bolachas Perdidas", sobre um colecionador de discos baiano que morou anos nos EUA e junto uma penca de discos invejáveis, fora os inúmeros contatos com estrelas do jazz: Ella, Sarah etc.

  5. This music is so beautiful,it makes me want to cry(in a good way),keep up the good work and of course,many many thanks.

  6. Eu apenas gostaria de entender o que esse disco com excelentes interpretes tem a ver com John Coltrane. Em tempo, tenho PROFUNDA admiraçao à arte de todos eles.

  7. Yeah, finally one of the best brazilian albums of all time. I keep this Lp like a diamond at home.

    Hope to see more from Edu Lobo here at Loronix.

    Best wishes from Berlin, Germany

  8. I had the chance to listen to Edu Lobo's music in Italy, when I was a child, since my uncle was really fond of Brazilian music. And I became as fond as he was: no surprise, it was Edu Lobo!
    Thanks for making me find this gem once again forty years later! And thanks for the wonderful music shared in this great, really great, site!

  9. WOW! Outra pérola que vc disponibiliza pra gente, Zeca! Valeu mesmo.
    Não conhecia esse disco do Lobo com o Luizinho.
    Menino, o cara tomou uns drinks com o Coltrane? I'm impressed and jealous. hahahahahahh
    Bem, não dá pra comparar, mas o Luizinho foi o primeiro namorado da minha mãe (acho que ela tem algum fetiche por pianistas), quando romperam ela conheceu meu pai e...rsss
    Ela vai ficar louca por esse CD.

  10. oi zecalouro, obrigada por tudo isso!
