Monday, October 09, 2006

Altamiro Carrilho - Altamiro Revive Pattapio e Interpreta Classicos (1957 - 1977)

Nice gemm for the many fans of the Chorinho genre at Loronix, this is a 1977 re-issue by Altamiro Carrilho LP from 1957 where Altamiro plays compositions from the Brazilian flute player Pattapio Silva, Altamiro Carrilho - Altamiro Revive Pattapio e Interpreta Classicos (1957).

For a better understanding of Pattapio, zecalouro presents a biography available at the website of ABRAF - Associacao Brasileira de Flautistas (Brazilian Flute Association) that you can visit here.

ABRAF Pattapio Bio

Pattapio Silva was born in Itacoara, RJ, he was raised in Cataguases, MG, where he used to help his father in the barber shop and taught himself to play an 8-key flute. When he was about 15 he left town to join several bands. He toured with these bands and when he arrived in Rio de Janeiro he was already a famous composer of marches and polcas.

In Rio he attended the National Institute of Music as a pupil of Duque Estrada Meier, concluding the six-year program in only two years, practicing over ten hours a day.

Pattapio was one of the first Brazilian recording artists, working for the Odeon and "Casa Edson". Many of his own compositions were edited and recorded by him, among them: Evocação, Margarida, Primeiro Amor, Oriental, Sonho, Idílio, Zinha, Amor Perdido.

In 1907 he went on a solo tour in the States of Minas, São Paulo, Paraná and Santa Catarina. It was in the city of Florianópolis (SC) that he contracted a serious illness and died just a few days later, aged 27.

Tracks include:

01 - Primeiro Amor (Patápio Silva)
02 - Margarida (Patápio Silva)
03 - Zinha (Patápio Silva)
04 - Sonho (Patápio Silva)
05 - Serata D'amore (Patápio Silva)
06 - Serenata Oriental (Ernesto Köller)
07 - Despertar da Montanha (Eduardo Souto)
08 - Canção Triste (Tchaikovsky)
09 - Hora Staccato (Dinicu)
10 - Canção Primavera (Mendelssohn)
11 - À Galope (Altamiro Carrilho)

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