Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Breno Sauer Quinteto - Viva o Samba (1959)

The last post was really cool, a great record with no information about it. Mr. G. is back to Loronix after some week or two on vacation. He said that Conjunto Carcara - Barra Limpa is probably from Minas Gerais State, since he is the happy owner of a copy that he bought for (One Real) there. Last minute information, Barra Limpa is auctioned at Popsike with a starting bid of US$ 150,00. This old vinyl market is really amazing.

Let's stop talking about the last post since this new one is breathtaking. Once again, the info available is minimum, but just enough to make your eyes jump out of your head. zecalouro presents Breno Sauer Quinteto - Viva o Samba (1959) for Columbia, which is Breno Sauer debut LP.

Promising, don't you think? Great! Take a seat now to read who is behind Breno Sauer Quinteto. If you can cope with tracks before reading personnel, they are included below. Check also a new zecalouro's that shows 30s of a given track.


Breno Sauer

Altivo Penteado "Garoto"

Olmir Stocker "Alemao"

Afonso Cid "Pirata"

Gabriel Jorge Bahlis "Turco"


01 - Solução (Raul Sampaio / Ivo Santos)
02 - Brigas Nunca Mais (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
03 - Frenesi (A. Dominguez)
04 - É Tão Gostoso Seu Moço (Mário Lago / Chocolate)
05 - Cuco (Jonasson)
06 - Se Acaso Você Chegasse (Lupicínio Rodrigues / Felisberto Martins)
07 - Sofro (Nelson Alves / Vera Falcão)
08 - Mr Gershwin (The Man I Love) (Ira Gershwin / George Gershwin)
09 - A Felicidade (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
10 - Estudo Em Samba (Frederic Chopin)
11 - Feitio de Oração (Noel Rosa / Vadico)
12 - Bahia Com H (Denis Brean)

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