Friday, November 03, 2006

Varios Artistas - 4o Festival da Balanca (1966)

I'm not exactly a fan of the several LPs released with live recording of the Brazilian Festivals from the 60's, but this one is really different. This is 4o Festival da Balança - Various Artists (1966) for RCA, considered by its organizations as the greatest University show of all times.

4o Festival da Balanca was recorded live in October 1965 in Sao Paulo at Esporte Clube Pinheiros, organized by Faculdade de Direito Mackenzie. The festival has organized by a group of students lead by Manoel Poladian, also student that became a renowned producer at the 80's. The selection made by RCA brings nine tracks with Jongo Trio, Maricenne Costa, Pedrinho Mattar Trio, Maria Bethania, Marisa Gata Mansa, Trio 3D, Coral da Universidade Mackenzie, Os Farroupilhas and Gilberto Gil. An estimate of 4,000 people was on the gig. Who were there? I wish I could... Tracks include:

01 - Jongo Trio - Pot-pourri: Dorival Caymmi with João Valentão (Dorival Caymmi) -- O Mar (Dorival Caymmi) -- Canção da Partida (Dorival Caymmi) -- História de Pescadores (Dorival Caymmi) -- Pescaria (Canoeiro) (Dorival Caymmi) -- Noite de Temporal (Dorival Caymmi) -- A Jangada Voltou Só (Dorival Caymmi) -- É Doce Morrer no Mar (Dorival Caymmi)

02 - Amanhã (Walter Santos / Tereza Souza) with Maricene Costa
03 - Berimbau (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes) with Pedrinho Mattar Trio
04 - Maria Bethania performing Missa Agrária (Carlos Lyra / Gianfrancesco Guarnieri) and Carcará (João do Vale / José Cândido)
05 - Hora de Lutar (Geraldo Vandré) with Marisa Gata Mansa
06 - Nega Dina (Zé Keti) with Conjunto 3-D
07 - Pau-de-arara (Carlos Lyra / Vinicius de Moraes) with Coral da Universidade Mackenzie
08 - A Resposta (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle) with Conjunto Farroupilhas
09 - Iemanjá (Gilberto Gil / Othon Bastos) with Gilberto Gil

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