Friday, January 12, 2007

Dorival Caymmi - Eu Vou pra Maracangalha (1957)

I don't remember when or where I read something very curious about Dorival Caymmi, I think it was Chico Anysio that said it. Anyway, remember the last Dorival Caymmi release with that beautiful cover on the beach? That's right! Caymmi was starring the waves with his hair completely white and that record is from 1957. Dorival Caymmi never had workout sessions, never went to a fitness center and probably never made daily walking or running. So, what are the real benefits of workouts, fitness and all this exercise mania? Good question.

Talking seriously, Dorival Caymmi is a legend and I'm very happy to show Loronixers his third 10 inch, this is Dorival Caymmi - Eu Vou pra Maracangalha (1957), for Odeon, one of the most popular Caymmi's album with the legendary song "Eu Vou pra Maracangalha" responsible for launching Caymmi to his international recognition. Among the eight tunes of this 10", there are several well-known tunes, with accompaniement of Maestro Leo Peracchi and Alexandre Gnattali and their orchestras. The kind of release that it is impossible to miss. Tracks include:

01 - Maracangalha (Dorival Caymmi)
02 - Samba da Minha Terra (Dorival Caymmi)
03 - Saudade da Bahia (Dorival Caymmi)
04 - Acontece Que Eu Sou Baiano (Dorival Caymmi)
05 - Fiz Uma Viagem (Dorival Caymmi)
06 - Vatapá (Dorival Caymmi)
07 - Roda Pião (Dorival Caymmi)
08 - 365 Igrejas (Dorival Caymmi)


  1. Faltou destacar a arte magnífica do caricaturista Lan, o mais brasileiro dos desenhistas argentinos.

  2. Quero registrar meu encanto com esta bela obra de Caymmi!
