Monday, February 19, 2007

Music Video | Rafael Rabello - Garota de Ipanema

Hello, Good Night! Rafael Rabello was recently introduced to Loronixers on an early post, a tribute to Garoto with Maestro Radames Gnattali. I got this video with Rafael Rabello performing Garota de Ipanema, a really unique rendition. A combo, probably featuring the legendary Wilson das Neves on drums, accompanies Rafael. Enjoy this video while zecalouro fix himself with a shower after a long day of Carnaval activities.

Hope uEnjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Eu nunca pensei que fosse voltar a gostar de ouvir Garota de Ipanema!
    Sabe como é, algo como Twist and shout (haha) da bossa nova. Insuportável para qualquer beatlemaníaco!
