Monday, February 19, 2007

Zito Righi e Seu Conjunto - Alucinolandia (1969)

In the beginning, my judgment for this record went on that category of risky ones, such as the Oswaldo Luiz e Seu Conjunto. Meanwhile, I could accumulate some info and I'm now confident to show it to Loronixers. In spite of not having the cover artwork of my dreams to this post, this is a really solid release, from the start to end. You should not miss it.

This is Zito Righi e Seu Conjunto - Alucinolandia (1969), for unknown label, featuring nice vocals from Sonia Santos and Zito Righi sax. If you find in a first hearing Zito Righi sax very similar with Bob Fleming way of play, you have a good hear, Zito Right is Bob Fleming on several albums released by Musidisc, a story that will be clarified tomorrow. This record is a treat and I invite you to check and place your comments. Tracks include:

01 - Poema Ritmico do Malandro
02 - Somos Todos Irmaos
03 - Once in a While
04 - Birimbau
05 - Primeira Conjugacao
06 - Bye Bye
07 - Love is here to Stay
08 - Isn't a Dream
09 - Sou Feliz Aqui
10 - Adeus Amor
11 - Alvorada
12 - Hert


  1. Zeca
    Esse foi um presente pra mim, sério

    Poema Ritmico do Malandro - Puta samba rock.....


  2. i had only just found out about this record and then here it is immediately for my enjoyment, your site is too, too good. i have already been overwhelmed recently by getting access to so much brasilian music and that was before i found your site, now its an overdose, lovely way to go though! thank you zecalouro!
