Sunday, March 18, 2007

Roberto Menescal e Seu Conjunto - Bossa Nova (1964)

One of the benefits of Find It, Loronix application to find posts and records, is the increase of the recommendations sent by Loronixers, especially of essential records that were not made available. I will show now one of these Bossa Nova essential records. The first to mention the need to show this record was bossanovadreamer, followed by Caetano in a matter of days. I do not have this LP and I had the offer from bossanovadreamer and Caetano, deciding by Caetano. This album is really mandatory, as each one released by Roberto Menescal with his Conjunto.

This is Roberto Menescal e Seu Conjunto - Bossa Nova (1964), for Imperial. It is amazing that little is known about this album. The best resource I found is Discos do Brasil of Maria Luiza Kfouri with a detailed listing of musicians for each track. Discos do Brasil also says that Ruy Castro's book Chega de Saudade establishes the recording date as 1962, although 1964 is the date on the record label. Anyway, I will take Discos do Brasil info to build personnel listing and let also a video with Loronixers featuring Roberto Menescal and Wanda Sa, sent by, who guess? Luiz Harding. Tracks include:


Eumir Deodato
Henri Ackselrud
Joao Palma
Roberto Menescal
Sergio Barroso
Ugo Marotta

Track List

01 - Garota de Ipanema
02 - Corcovado
03 - So Danco Samba
04 - Quem Quiser Encontrar o Amor
05 - Menina Feia
06 - Influencia do Jazz
07 - O Pato
08 - Rio
09 - Me Lembro Vagamente
10 - Nos e o Mar
11 - Andorinha Preta
12 - Fale do Samba que eu Vou

New: click to enlarge!


  1. Hello Caetano and Zeca,
    I am very happy to see this beautiful album now here. I hope our Loronix friends enjoy it.
    By the way I want to say many thanks to Duane S. who gave me the CD release of this album I never know about since I bought the LP-
    Duane also did work on Caetano's amazing book.
    If you should read this Duane:Thank you for all!

    Best wishes

  2. Conheço este LP com uma capa ligeiramente diferente — talvez seja este o motivo da discrepância entre datas: pode ser a diferença entre 2 edições.
    Para mim, o repertório do disco tem mais cara de final de 1962. O fato de ser pouco conhecido pode ser porque saiu pela Imperial, selo da Odeon que não chegava às lojas, era vendido de porta em porta.

  3. Esse LP foi gravado nosestúdiosda Odeon, no Edifício São Borja em 1963. Assisti à toda a gravação, levado pelo Jan Gestzi e, com a presença constante de Andre Midani.

  4. Assisti à gravação desse album, nos estúdios da Odeon, no Edifício São Borja, em 1963, levado por Jan Gestzi e, com a presença constante de Andre Midani.
