Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Music Video | Nara Leao & Roberto Menescal - Samba de uma Nota So / Samba do Aviao

Hello, Good Evening! I'm addicted to Carl Ole website at Multiply.com, it is all about Brazil and the 80's. Once in a while, I cannot resist dragging some pearl Carl makes available there to show Loronixers. This is the case. Thanks Carl!

This is Nara Leao & Roberto Menescal - Samba de uma Nota So / Samba do Aviao, the date is uncertain but the place is know, Japanese TV. Do not miss O Balaio do Carl Ole at http://caieca.multiply.com.

Hope uEnjoy!


  1. Lovely video. I like the relaxed tempo they take both of these songs at; you can really focus on the melody and lyrics. I also really enjoy Nara's voice; so clear and distinctive!

    The videos here are always welcome.

  2. E claro, é simples. Como o João... Quando um cantor, uma cantora, tem um coração, tudo é diferente... mas a ouvinte deve ter tambem...

  3. Thanks a lot for the video. I am also in love with Nara's voice and the "feeling" she put on singing, she was a very special singer.
