Thursday, May 03, 2007

Maysa - Maysa e Maysa... E Maysa... E Maysa (1959)

Hello, Good Evening! The awaited confirmation codes were sent to Loronixers who made the Survey from the start to the end. Thanks everybody. Now it is time to wait for the Lottery date, which is next Saturday, 5. Once again I made a mistake on both texts, the English text says the Loterry date would be May 7, instead of 5. Sorry about that. The Lottery will run according with the rules already established. I will make reinforcement on that announcement later for everybody.

I'm tired of sending emails today and I want to start very easy with Maysa, a Brazilian diva of 10 among 10 Loronixers.

This is Maysa - Maysa e Maysa... E Maysa... E Maysa (1959), for RGE, the release date is correct, 1959 and this is the sixth Maysa album for RGE. Different from her first 10-inch released at 1956 only with Maysa compositions; this album does not bring a single song of her. Anyway, Maysa is a great interpreter that still fascinating many people in Brazil even after 30 years since she has unfortunately passed away. Personnel is not credited. Tracks include:

01 - Só Deus (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia)
02 - O Que É Que Falta (Daisy Amaral)
03 - A Felicidade (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
04 - Hino ao Amor (Hymne à L'amour) (Marguerite Monnot / Edith Piaf / Vrs. Odair Marsano)
05 - E Daí (Miguel Gustavo)
06 - Manhã de Carnaval (Luis Bonfá / Antônio Maria)
07 - Viver Em Paz (Dalton Vogeler)
08 - Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
09 - A Noite de Nós Dois (Fernando César / Otello Zuccolo)
10 - Castigo (Dolores Duran)
11 - Pela Rua (Ribamar (1) / Dolores Duran)
12 - Recado (Luis Antônio / Djalma Ferreira)


  1. Hi, love all your Maysa Posts, as i only have compilations, i can complete her discography. I have a pair of her italian-sung singles, don't know if they were released in Brazil, if not I can post them

  2. Peleon,

    Please do it. By default, all singles and EP are out of print.

    Let me know when you make it, so I can urge people to reach you to see it.

    Cheers, zeca

  3. I love Maysa! thank you!

  4. I see, I see... 1959!

  5. No link..
    is that because you've moving?
    I noticed Maysa looks angry on all the covers...
    love, rob

  6. Rob,

    Fixed, thanks.

    The move should not disturb Loronix. I hope.

