Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Milton Nascimento - Milton Nascimento (1967) w/ Tamba 4

Every time I go to the great website, I come back with something that I didn't know. I went there a couple of days ago to search for Luiz Eca participations as musician on albums of other artists and he was listed as arranger at Milton Nascimento first solo album. Checking the whole personnel listing, I saw, Luiz Eça, Ohana, Bebeto and Dorio playing together in all tracks of Milton Nascimento first LP. It is reasonable to say that Tamba 4, which had the same components at 1967, takes part at this record although they were not credited as "Tamba 4". Perhaps everybody knows that and I'm the last one on earth to realize that, but I could not resist closing today with Milton Nascimento.

This is Milton Nascimento - Milton Nascimento (1967), for Codil Ritmos. Now I understand why this album is so great, with wonderful arrangements. Luiz Eca is in charge of arrangements in all tracks, sharing the role with Eumir Deodato on some. Besides Milton Nascimento violao, the others musicians are the four Tamba 4 members. If you did not have the chance to hear this record, make it. It is a classic, a essential. Travessia is truly beautiful and has one of the most beautiful arrangements I have ever seen. Tracks include:


Milton Nascimento
(voice, violao)
Luiz Eca
(arrangements, piano, voice)
(flute, voice)
(drums, voice)
(bass, voice)
Eumir Deodato
(arrangements on tracks Travessia and Morro Velho)

Track List

01 - Três Pontas (Milton Nascimento / Ronaldo Bastos)
02 - Crença (Milton Nascimento / Márcio Borges)
03 - Irmão de Fé (Milton Nascimento / Márcio Borges)
04 - Travessia (Milton Nascimento / Fernando Brant)
05 - Canção do Sol (Milton Nascimento)
06 - Morro Velho (Milton Nascimento)
07 - Gira GirouU (Milton Nascimento / Márcio Borges)
08 - Maria Minha Fé (Milton Nascimento)
09 - Catavento (Milton Nascimento)
10 - Outubro (Milton Nascimento / Fernando Brant)



  1. I love this album...great post. But track 5 is "Canção do Sal", not "Canção do Sol". In english was tranlated as "Salt Song", when recorded by Stanley Turrentine, with Deodato arrangements.

  2. caro zeca e loronixers,
    o milton é o meu ídolo musical n.1 desde os 14 anos, e como tenho todos os discos dele, ja sabia dos grandes arranjos desse disco (eça/deodato). eu tive esse disco pela primeira vez em k-7 (reedição da som livre), mas nunca encontrei o vinil originalzão. depois a dubas lançou em cd uma reedição linda, se nao me engano ha 3 ou 4 anos atras. desde o início me apaixonei pela voz do milton e pelos arranjos desse disco, simplesmente uma pérola! morro velho, outubro, catavento, crença, são provas de q a musicalidade brasileira e internacional de milton é algo incomparável! zeca, obrigado por mostrar a todos essa maravilha essencial, como vc mesmo disse! abraços a todos.

  3. great blog and great post, this is one of my all time favorite albums, with Clube da Esquina 1.

  4. Douglas, Cisal, Oliver de Paris,

    Esse disco é mesmo demais. Fico contente que o maestro Douglas concorda comigo. Essa reedição já saiu de catálogo, foi preparada pelo próprio Milton, que comentou o disco e cada música individualmente.

    Abraços, zeca

  5. Zeca, Bebeto Castilho told me that Luiz Eca did not really want to make this record at the time because Tamba and Eca were very busy.

    But he decided anyway to go ahead but just to do the most basic arrangements he could do in the time.

    These incredible arrangements only took him 3 days to write!!!

    My first copy of this LP was in early 80s french reissue with a horrible modern cover but for years I thought the album must have been from the mid 70s because of the quality of arrangements and the recording. This is pre-Sgt Pepper, remember...

    In those days we didn't have the internet and Loronix to help us discover the facts behind these LPs!


  6. Ah! All of this is most interseting: but I am confused, in that the track listing is pretty much the same as what I know as his 1969 A&M album "Courage" - but that record does not at all credit Luisina Eca, nor Bebeto (such a lovely man when I met him in Modern Sounds!) just Deodato... Is it possible that the record I know is a remake of this, or even an American enhansment of these original tracks ? (I must admit I haven't listened for comparison to the posted album just yet, as I'm brand new to the world of Downloads and haven't yet figured out how to open them up... I'm just storing stuff up for later at the moment!).
    RED (Ireland).

  7. "Milton N./Tamba 4" query: It's funny, this record really does seem to be a template - an "early version" - of the American A&M album "Courage"... No ? Anybody ?

  8. Olá Zeca, em primeiro lugar eu quero lhe desejar um muito Feliz Ano Novo.
    Agradecida por esta postagem do Milton. Eu sou fã incondicional deste grande senhor da MPB !
    Longa vida para si e para ele (Milton) também !

  9. Dear Zeca, in

    Milton Nascimento - Milton Nascimento (1967) w/ Tamba 4

    you wrote at the end of your introduction:

    If you did not have the chance to hear this record, make it. It is a classic, a essential. Travessia is truly beautiful and has one of the most beautiful arrangements I have ever seen. Tracks include:

    If you did not have the chance to listen to this record, go for it now. It is a classic, an essential. Travessia is truly beautiful and has one of the most beautiful arrangements I have ever heard (or do do you really mean seen?). Tracks include: etc.

    would be better English. If you have no need of (or time for) corrections, tell me so, then I’ll stop.

    1.000.000 thanks once more

  10. Hey Rob,

    How are you?

    I don't mind. You can make it, no problem. However, when it is only a correction without any reference to the music, it is better to use my personal email.

    Feel free.

    Kind regards,

