Friday, July 20, 2007

Trio Surdina - Trio Surdina (1953)

In that spirit of gradually taking back the control, I think it is perfect to show Loronixers the legendary Trio Surdina debut LP, recorded in 1953, but decades ahead of its time if you take in comparison the music from Brazil in the Bossa Nova years. Take this album as history, such like a document if you want to understand Brazilian music from a broader perspective.

This is Trio Surdina - Trio Surdina (1953), for Musidisc, featuring the "original" Fafa Lemos, Garoto and Chiquinho do Acordeon. I wish I were on a better shape to describe this essential album, but this time you will need to realize it by yourself. A good way to start is taking a close hearing to Duas Contas (Garoto) and O Relogio da Vovo (Fafa Lemos / Garoto / Chiquinho do Acordeon), so you will understand how this album is ahead of everything made in the early 50's. Tracks include:


Fafa Lemos
(violin, voice)
Chiquinho do Acordeon

Track List

01 - Ternamente (J. Lawrence / W. Gross)
02 - O Relógio da Vovó (Fafá Lemos / Chiquinho do Acordeom / Garoto)
03 - Duas Contas (Garoto)
04 - Felicidade (Garoto / Haroldo Barbosa)
05 - Ninguém Me Ama (Antônio Maria / Fernando Lobo)
06 - Na Madrugada (Nilo Sergio)
07 - Nós Três (Fafá Lemos / Chiquinho do Acordeom / Garoto)
08 - Malagueña (Tradicional)


  1. Zeca, pelo nome dos tres componentes do trio Surdina, eu olho com BASTANTE respeito toda a obra do trio. E vou baixá-los e ouvi-los atentamente e guardar!

  2. Yes Zeca, This is vey nice indeed! It reminds me of the music of the French Film maker Jacques Tati whose sound is accordian Jazz of the 50's.
