Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wagner Tiso - Wagner Tiso (1978)

This is to address a suggestion made by Good Groove on the last Paulo Moura Quarteto album. I'm glad, Loronix has more than a year and we still find new artists to show friends. Thanks Mr. Groove. Wagner Tiso is an internationally renowned musician and solid Brazilian music collaborator for decades.

This is Wagner Tiso - Wagner Tiso (1978), for Odeon, which is Wagner Tiso debut LP, a late first album by an artist that started his career on recordings in 1958 as member of Conjunto W's Boys, featuring Wagner Tiso, Waltinho, Wilson, Wanderley and Milton Nascimento, credited as Wilton Nascimento, probably to be compatible with all W members. Since then, Wagner Tiso performed as sideman at several groups, such as: Berimbau Trio, Conjunto Sambacana, Conjunto de Edison Machado, Paulo Moura, among many others. This is a really nice album and I suggest that you visit Discos do Brasil for the complete personnel listing, here. Thanks once again Good Groove. Tracks include:


Wagner Tiso
(arrangements, piano)

Tavinho Bonfa
(violao, guitar)
Chico Batera, Marku Ribas
Altamiro Carrilho
... more at Discos do Brasil

Track List

01 - A Igreja Majestosa (Wagner Tiso / Nivaldo Ornelas) with Coral Pro-Arte
02 - Os Cafezais Sem Fim (Wagner Tiso)
03 - Choro de Mãe (Wagner Tiso)
04 - Seis Horas da Tarde (Milton Nascimento / Wagner Tiso) Mineiro Pau (Milton Nascimento / Wagner Tiso) with Coral Pró-arte
05 - Rapsódia Trespontana (Wagner Tiso)
06 - Indinha do Bichinho (Wagner Tiso)
07 - Monasterak (Nivaldo Ornelas)
08 - Zagreb (Wagner Tiso) with Milton Nascimento
09 - Desfeixo (Wagner Tiso) with Maria Lúcia Godoy

1 comment:

  1. Zeca, it's great that you decided to post Wagner Tiso's debut. It would be nice to hear Loronixer's feedback about it. This is a melodic masterpiece that transcends any tentative labelling.
