Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sonia Santos - Crioula (1977)

Here we go on a perfect album to make people ready to the solid Samba listens scheduled for Saturday night. We have here a pretty unknown singer with many fans; actually, I never understood why so many fans and such fanatic fans she has. Now I know the reason, she is truly great. Sonia Santos recorded only two albums in the late 70's and I cannot understand why she did not made much. You should agree when you listen to this album.

This is Sonia Santos - Crioula (1977), for Som Livre, the second career album of this soulful Brazilian Samba interpreter, produced and arranged by Edson Frederico and featuring a solid group of musicians in the set, such like Edson Frederico, Neco, Luiz Claudio, Chico Batera, Jacques Morellenbaum, Marcio Montarroyos, Claudio Roditi, Altamiro Carrilho, Aurino, Jorginho, Ze Bodega, among others. I'm always very caution to do not express a great enthusiasm on albums I show to Loronixers, so I will let you with personnel listing that explains much of the entertainment you will have with Crioula. Tracks include:


Edson Frederico
(piano, arrangements)
Paulinho Braga
Luiz Claudio
(violao, guitar)
Ney, Chico Batera, Everaldo
Pareschi, Vidal, Daltro, Alves, Nathercia, Aizik
Jaques Morellenbaum, Ibere
Manoel Araujo
Marcio Montarroyos, Claudio Roditi
Altamiro Carrilho
(sax alto)
(sax baritone)
Ze Bodega
(sax tenor)

Track List

01 - A Lavadeira (Eros / Jon Lemos / Correia)
02 - Quando Nasce o Filho de Um Sambista (Paulinho da Viola)
03 - A Polícia Bateu (Metalói)
04 - O Bom Malandro (Paulo Faria)
05 - Não Falo Em Viola (Everaldo Cruz / Djalminha)
06 - Fracasso (Mário Lago)
07 - Crioula (Sônia Santos / Ângela Soares)
08 - Retrato Oficial (Lino Roberto / Wilson Medeiros)
09 - Distância (Dedé da Portela)
10 - Afinal Eu Encontrei (Noca da Portela / Delcio Carvalho)
11 - Taí a História Pra Mostrar (Kiko de Carvalho)
12 - João Ninguém (Paulo Menezes / Milton Legey)

This is Sonia Santos - Crioula (1977), at Loronix, here.

Alternative FLAC files are also available here as part ONE, TWO and THREE.

Hope uEnjoy!


  1. Very nice Zeca, love her voice.
    Sorry to tell there's something wrong with track 4, check.
    hope you can fix it.

  2. Hello moos,

    Very late down here.

    I have the LP, the fix will come, let's make it tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback and warning.

    Cheers, zeca

  3. Talvez a popularidade da cantora venha do fato dela ter sido contratada da Som Livre, gravadora do grupo Globo de comunicações durante os anos 70. Tal fato fez com que a cantora fosse presença em programas como Fantástico e Globo de Ouro. A partir do início dos anos 80 ela simplesmente desapareceu...Por onde será que anda Sonia Santos?
    Abraços Anônimos.

  4. Boa pergunta anonymous

    Onde anda Sonia Santos???



  5. Se nao me engano, a Sonia Santos se radicou em California durante os anos 80/90, onde gravou uma serie de CDs com uma outra cantora chamada Ana Gazzola no estilo "MPB For Export." A sua popularidade entre os colecionadores tem tambem muito a ver com a sua atuacao no conjunto de baile do Zito Righi no fim dos anos 60, com o qual gravou o antologico "Poema Ritmico Do Malandro."

    Mr. G

  6. This is a really nice record, but I have to say, that the needle of the record player jumps several times on different tracks. That´s a little bit annoying. Nevertheless, thanks for your great effort you put in this blog, Zeca!


  7. Hello Jörn,

    How are you?

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I will make it again, it deserves an error free approach.

    Cheers, zeca

  8. gostaria de saber sobre a vida da sonia santos aonde ela nasceu

  9. aqui -> algumas informações da Sonia Santos..
