Monday, September 10, 2007

Boca Livre - Bicicleta (1980)

Hello, Good Evening! This is the second album by the Brazilian vocal group Boca Livre, a great improvement of what they have accomplished on their debut LP. Bicicleta has a better production and a very special guest on two tracks, Antonio Carlos Jobim. Let's see.

This is Boca Livre - Bicicleta (1980), such as the first release, this album is an independent production, with no formal recording company association. Perhaps this is the reason for not receiving so far a CD reissue. I have this album since the release date and I got very surprised this week when notice Antonio Carlos Jobim participation. The Brazilian percussionist Nana Vasconcellos is credited as percussion direction and probably delivers percussion playing. My highlights are Antonio Carlos Jobim participation (both indicated on track list) and the song that gives the album title, Bicicleta, with a beautiful vocal arrangement. Tracks include:


David Tygel
(viola, violao, vocal)
Jose Renato
(violao, vocal)
Mauricio Maestro
(bass, violao, viola, vocal, instrumental and vocal arrangements)
Lourenco Baeta
(violao, viola, vocal, flute, violin)

Track List

01 - Um Canto de Trabalho (Nelson Ângelo / Cacaso)
02 - As Moças (Zé Renato / Juca Filho)
03 - Correnteza (Tom Jobim / Luis Bonfá) with Antonio Carlos Jobim
04 - Neném (Maurício Maestro)
05 - Porto Seguro (David Tygel / Márcio Borges)
06 - Bicicleta (Zé Renato)
07 - Saci (Paulo Jobim / Ronaldo Bastos) with Antonio Carlos Jobim
08 - Passarinho (Lourenço Baeta)
09 - "Boi do Maranhão" - Urrou do Boi (Tradicional) - Boi do Pindaré (Tradicional) - Boi Danado (Sergio Habibe)
10 - Arado (Dalmo Medeiros)
11 - Nossa Dança (Danilo Caymmi / Ana Terra)


  1. ohhh, zeca, you kind little 'ol green bird! i had hoped we would visit this album -

    domo arigato,


  2. I was fortunate enough to see this very lineup last month in Sao Paulo, and it was a musical adventure. Their vocal arrangements are incredibly creative.
    Nice record, and hard to believe it's never been reissued on CD. Zeca, did it come with an insert, lyrics or more information on the who plays what on each song, like on ther (excellent) first album?
    Muito obrigado. Tem mais deles?

  3. Roman,

    Boca Livre is really nice and this album is particularly great. Thanks for commenting.

    In addition to back and front cover, there is a big picture inside with the four guys in the middle of some bikes with no more info, just the picture.

    I can scan this picture, just ask me. Their discography is vast, I just need to check if remaining albums are commercial available. You were a lucky guy on attending the concert in Sao Paulo.

    Cheers, zeca

  4. Grande Zeca, este é histórico e só foi lançado "aos pedaços", em coletaneas. E o Folia, vc não tem?
    Tem Pena de Sabiá, uma musica linda do Zé com o Xico Chaves... nunca mais veio a público.

    ë isso aí, grande abraço.

    Juca Filho

  5. Que delícia encontrar esse disco!!! Nem consigo fazer um comentário muito racional a respeito dele, pois foi o que me acompanhou quase todos os dias de meus 14 anos... Ligação emocional fortíssima e que me deixou na mão quando meu toca-discos morreu de vez.


    Você trouxe de volta um pouco de minha adolescência perdida que os anos não trazem mais, mas o som é capaz de deixar quase ao alcance da mão.
