Friday, September 14, 2007

Clara Nunes - Clara Nunes (1973)

I was saving this post for some of those Loronix Samba Saturday, but I think it will fit very nice today, such like an amulet to bring lucky and keep the Murphy Law away from my computers for a while. This album is truly beautiful, starting by the cover artwork, showing a painting of Clara Nunes made by Luiz Jasmin. Sometimes these covers are so great that I cannot resist showing the opposite side together with the front side. Let's see.

This is Clara Nunes - Clara Nunes (1973), for Odeon, pretty unknown album, perhaps for being released between two great ones, Clara, Clarice, Clara (1972) and Alvorecer (1974). Clara Nunes had support of several Brazilian Maestros writing the arrangements, Laercio de Freitas, Carlos Monteiro de Souza, Helio Delmiro and Orlando Silveira. This is also the third album she made with direction of Lindolfo Gaya. We know everything about arrangers, but little about musicians, they are not credited and my searches did not give results. Tracks include:

01 - Tristeza Pe no Chao (Armando Fernandes "Mamao") [4]
02 - Fala Viola (Eloir Silva / Francisco Inacio)
03 - Minha Festa (Nelson Cavaquinho / Guilherme de Brito) [1]
04 - Umas e Outras (Chico Buarque de Hollanda) [3]
05 - Arlequim de Bronze (Synval Silva [2]
06 - O Mais que Perfeito (Jards Macale / Vinicius de Moraes) [3]
07 - Quando Vim de Minas (Xango da Mangueira)
08 - Meu Cariri (Dilu Melo / Rosil Cavalcante) [1]
09 - Homenagem a Olinda, Recife e Pai Edu (Baracho)
10 - E Doce Morrer no Mar (Dorival Caymmi) [2]
11 - Amei Tanto (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
12 - Valeu pelo Amor (Ivor Lancelotti) [2]

[1] Orlando Silveira
[2] Laercio de Freiras
[3] Helio Delmiro
[4] Carlos Monteiro de Souza


  1. So wonderful. Thanks again for your great work. Greetings from Jörn
