Friday, November 16, 2007

Djalma Ferreira e Milionarios do Ritmo - Parada de Danca Nr. 1 (1953)

Really nice find of our Para Dancar specialist Mauro R.V., delivering this time a very old album in the 10-inch format, which is also the first Djalma Ferreira LP and the second 10-inch released by the record label Musidisc as Musidisc M-002. Great find Mauro R.V. and thanks a million for your continuous support to Loronix. Mauro R.V. needs special thanks from our community; he purchased a scanner, just to make better contributions. And as you can see at this cover, Mauro is doing great. Let's see.

This is Djalma Ferreira e Milionarios do Ritmo - Parada de Danca Nr. 1 (1953), for Musidisc, featuring seven Djalma Ferreira compositions and a Samba by Nestor Campos and Walter Santos. Parada de Danca Nr. 1 also features the Brazilian singer Helena de Lima as special guest on tracks 07 and 08. Actually, I'm not sure if she makes a special participation or Helena de Lima is a member of Milionarios do Ritmo. Anyway, Helena de Lima recorded her first solo LP three years later at Continental. Tracks include:

01 - Romance (Djalma Ferreira) Beguine
02 - Samba no Perroquet (Djalma Ferreira) Samba
03 - Fantasia (Djalma Ferreira) Beguine
04 - Brigas e Pazes (Djalma Ferreira) Beguine
05 - Concerto Em Samba (Djalma Ferreira) Samba
06 - Casa do Loló (J. Bicalho / Djalma Ferreira) Samba
07 - Tanto Quanto Eu (Nestor Campos / W. Santos) Samba with Helena de Lima
08 - Eu Já Não Sei (Djalma Ferreira / C. Nunes) Samba with Helena de Lima

1 comment:

  1. Gostaria muito que o amigo pudesse postar o disco de Djalma Ferreira com musica DRINK NA PRAIA.
    O disco chama-se se não me engano WEEK-EN IN RIO.É possivel?
    Muito Obrigado
