Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Os Velhinhos Transviados - O Natal dos Velhinhos Transviados (1966) EP

Hello, good evening! It happens every year and it is impossible to ignore. Natal, Christmas, Navidad, Noel, Kurisumasu, Natale, no matter how you say in your part of the world, it is coming closer. I have a problem with Christmas albums and their very predictable songs, but once in a while you find something really unique, such like last Christmas when we made really nice albums. I'm not sure if we can keep last year's pace, but I want to start great with this one, sent for last Christmas by a friend that I cannot remember right now. Let's see.

This is Os Velhinhos Transviados - O Natal dos Velhinhos Transviados (1966), for RCA Victor, a compacto duplo (EP), featuring four Christmas tracks and this really nice cover that worth the admission price. It is Christmas, so I'm making it with no Rapidshare. Tracks include:

01 - Jingle Bells (D. P.)
02 - White Christmas (Irving Berlin)
03 - Boas Festas (Assis Valente)
04 - Noite Silenciosa (Franz Gruber)


  1. Marvelous post, Loro.

    I´ve been waiting so long for another Velhinhos Transviado´s album. The art sleeve is hilarious as always. This Christmas gift came a bit early. :-)

    Thank you very much!

    Marcio de Souza
    South Brazil

  2. Ai Zeca, mais um "lançamento" de peso e viva os velhinhos do Zé Menezes.


