Monday, November 05, 2007

Paulo Moura, Formiga, Altamirro Carilho e Abel Ferreira - Interpretam Vivaldi, Webber, Purcell e Villa Lobos com Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira (1977)

Hello, good evening! I spent a couple of months until decide to show this album to Loronixers. This is a perfect blend between popular and classical music and one of my favorites in the style. The title is big such as the music we have inside. The only issue, a major issue by the way, is the front cover. I got this album on a really bad condition and the front cover was taken away, my apologies for this one, it is the best I could make as a replacement. If you have a high-quality scan or even a thumbnail of this cover, please tell us, it will be really appreciated. Let's see.

This is Paulo Moura, Formiga, Altamirro Carilho e Abel Ferreira - Paulo Moura, Formiga, Altamirro Carilho e Abel Ferreira Interpretam Vivaldi, Webber, Purcell e Villa Lobos com a Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira sob a Regencia de Julio Medalha (1977), for Som Livre. This giant title explains almost everything, we have here Orquestra Sinfonica Brasileira conduced by Maestro Julio Medalha performing classical music, four tracks with each one having the participation of the four main performers. I think it will be very difficult to appear another album with a bigger title, almost a paragraph. Waltel Branco was also in this session playing alaude at Vivaldi track. I really recommend this beautiful album. Tracks include:

Personnel & Track List

Maestro Formiga
Fantasia para Trompete em Re e Orquestra

Abel Ferreira
Concertino para Clarinete e Orquestra

Altamiro Carrilho
Concerto para Flautim e Orquestra

Paulo Moura
Fantasia para Sax Soprano e Orquestra

Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira
Conduced by
Maestro Julio Medalha


  1. Fantastic LP! I had this one waiting on the line to be digitalized for quite a while. Thanks a lot for digitalizing it! Please put up more classical music by Brazilian, or Brazilian classical music albums


  2. Loronix: estou enviando por email capa e contracapa originais desse disco da OSB, mas a sua ficou mais bonita!...Abs, luis34

  3. Zeca,

    nem acredito q este disco está aqui e eu não tinha visto na época do post original ! Ele está (estava) na minha "wishlist" há anos e era até difícil encontrar quem o conhecesse. Incrível encontrá no seu blog, putz muito obrigado, "you make my day" "

    Gde abraço
