Thursday, December 06, 2007

Orquestra Armorial de Camera - Gaviao (1976)

A very good friend recently recommended this orchestra and I cannot believe that I could live without. Orquestra Armorial de Camara was nested inside Movimento Armorial, created at Northeast region by Ariano Suassuna and Cussy de Almeida, which is the leader of Orquestra Armorial. The movement was created with the orchestra in 1970 and Continental recorded the first album in 1975. Orquestra Armorial is acclaimed worldwide and it is very connected with the Northeast culture and something really unique, different from everything that you heard before at Loronix. Let's see.

This is Orquestra Armorial de Camera - Gaviao (1976), for Continental, the third out of four albums released in a short period of five years, from 1975 to 1979. I'm really excited with this album and I could not make a satisfactory research on the orchestra and Cussy de Almeida. This should not be a major concern since Loronixers are invited to append additional information at comments section. Tracks include:


Ricardo Bussi Lasa, Birgitta fassi Fihri, Elias Benjamin Wolkoff, Reinaldo Couto, Chantal Bargas Maurer, Cristina Bussi Lasa, Samuel Gegna
Matthias Maurer, Allen Frank Musick
Thomas Maurer, Maria do Socorro Monteiro Johnson
Silvio Araujo Coelho
Jose Tavares do Amorim, Ivanildo Maciel da Silveira
Jose Xavier da Silva, Antonio Revoredo, Geraldo Fernandes Leite

Cussy de Almeida
(violin, direction)

Sergio Assad

Track List

01. Gavião (Cussy de Almeida) - Cenas I e II vôo e a caça
02. Zabumba de Alegria (Jarbas Maciel)
03. Dueto Característico (No Estilo Nordestino) (Guerra Peixe) Allegro Moderato Andantino Allegro comodo
04. Romance de Cavalhada (Cussy de Almeida)
05. Aboio Esporiado (José Tavares de Amorim)
06. Santa Cruz do Capibaribe (Jarbas Maciel)
07. Cantando Viola (José Tavares de Amorim)
08. Chegança (Benny Wolkoff)


  1. Alô, me surpreende que você não conheça o Quinteto Armorial. Ou conhece? Porque acho que se você gostou da orquestra, vai gostar ainda mais do Quinteto. Se quiser, posso disponibilizar os discos.

    Um abraço!

  2. Muitíssimo Obrigado pelo lançamento!!!

    Aliás, obrigado por todo o site que eu só conheço agora. Aproveitando a viagem peço ao amigo fmb aí encima que lance os discos do Quinteto Armorial, em flac POR FAVOR!!!

    Um grande abraço!

  3. This is fantastic! I have been looking for this album in a digital format for over twenty years. I received this album along with two other Orquestra Armorial de Camera albums as part of a São Paulo Rotary Club anniversary package when I was an exchange student. I loved the music, but ultimately wore out the poor grade vinyl. I hope you have access to the other discs in this series. Kepp those flac files coming! Thanks.
