Thursday, January 10, 2008

Varios Artistas - Nova Bossa Nova (1972)

I think most of you had already the chance to know Folklore and Bossa Nova do Brazil (1966), with a studio recording of an anthological tour of Bossa Nova artists in Germany, featuring Chico Batera, Dom Salvador, Edu Lobo, J.T. Meirelles, Jorge Arena, Rosinha de Valenca, Rubens Bassini and Sylvia Telles. What I did not know, in spite of seen more than a hundred times this fantastic cover at Caetano Rodrigues Bossa Nova book, was the existance of a second tour with another studio record called Nova Bossa Nova, presented here with a great surprise of mine and probably yours, especially by the unusual mix of performers. Let's see.

This is Nova Bossa Nova (1972), for MPS (Germany), featuring our last challenge answer with Maria Bethania, Paulinho da Viola, Sebastiao Tapajos, Jorge Arena and Pedro "Sorongo" Santos. I'm presenting here the original Germany MPS Records release and I heard about an equivalent Brazilian release by Copacabana, not confirmed information. Nova Bossa Nova should make the day of several segments with lots of percussion by Jorge Arena and Sorongo, instrumental cuts with Sebastiao Tapajos violao with bass, drums and piano of Terra Trio, the singing of Maria Bethania and the always-elegant Samba delivered by Paulinho da Viola. Tracks include:

The Performers

Jorge Arena
Maria Bethania
Paulinho da Viola
Pedro Santos
Sebastião Tapajós
Terra Trio

Track List

01 - Gurungungô (Pedro Santos) with Pedro Santos / Sebastião Tapajós / Jorge Arena
02 - Asa Branca (Luis Gonzaga / Humberto Teixeira) Cariri (João do Vale) Bodoco (Gordurinha) with Maria Bethânia / Terra Trio
03 - Tocata Em Ritmo Samba (Sebastião Tapajós) with Sebastião Tapajós
04 - Um Certo Dia Para 21 (Paulinho da Viola) with Jorge Arena / Pedro Santos / Paulinho da Viola
05 - Ganga (Sebastião Tapajós) with Pedro Santos / Jorge Arena / Sebastião Tapajós
06 - Variaçones (Sebastião Tapajós) with Sebastião Tapajós / Jorge Arena / Pedro Santos
07 - Nós e o Mar (Roberto Menescal / Ronaldo Bôscoli) with Terra Trio
08 - Num Samba Curto (Paulinho da Viola) with Terra Trio / Jorge Arena / Sebastião Tapajós / Paulinho da Viola
09 - Não Tem Solução (Dorival Caymmi) with Maria Bethânia / Terra Trio
10 - Madrugada (Paulinho da Viola) with Terra Trio / Jorge Arena / Sebastião Tapajós / Paulinho da Viola / Pedro Santos


  1. Hi Zeca,

    this one I was looking for a long time now. Thank you for making possible to hear this album at Loronix.

  2. This is great, Frank-oliver. If I knew you were hunting this one, we could ask Caetano to make it for us.

    Anyway, better late than never.

    Cheers, zeca

  3. Yes, I agree with Frank-Oliver. This is nice to see here since never had the chance to listen to anywhere.
    Grande Zeca since you speak about Caetano I will tell you 3 or 4 albums which I would like to listen from Caetano's book- Perhaps Caetano can make them avaiable for us.

    Best wishes

  4. I´m looking also for the album
    Marilia Batista "Sua Personilidade...sua Bossa" Musidisc HI-FI 2060 from 1960. One track (Vespera do Amanha) was on the Various Artist "Bossa Nova" Musidisc album and very nice.
    Perhaps Caetano has this LP too?

  5. Absolutamente eletrizante!

  6. zeca - thank you for this album i would not have guessed from the title & album cover what an exciting & interesting recording this is.
