Thursday, May 22, 2008

Vanja Orico - Viagem Musical com Vanja Orico (1955)

Hello, good evening! I want to introduce Loronixers to a new artist, which is a very old recommendation by Refer, made as soon as Loronix has started. By the way, it has been a long time I do not see Refer on comments. I hope he shows up with this album, another nice contribution by Jorge Mello. Vanja Orico is an extraordinary artist, being also an actress, actually, her career as an actress is stronger than her singing activities. She is really a complex and intriguing woman. Let's see.

This is Vanja Orico - Viagem Musical (1955), for Sinter, which is Vanja Orico debut LP, performing a repertoire based on different Brazilian traditional music from several regions, including Samba, Baiao, Xote, Toada, Capoeira and some other styles I never heard about, such as Coco and Rojao. The result is very satisfactory with Vanja Orico delivering beautiful singing and some interpretation of each style. A Google search on Vanja Orico returns loads and loads of information and I learned today that her first experience as a singer was in 1950 when she was 16 studying at a num college in Europe. Vanja Orico came out one day for a walking and found a movie set on a busy street in Italy. There was Frederico Fellini that invited Vanja Orico to make a participation on his movie singing Meu Limao, Meu Limoeiro and playing violao. Thanks Jorge Mello for this first and really nice Vanja Orico album at Loronix. Tracks include:

01 - Canoeiro do Itapicurú (Reginaldo Nascimento) Coco
02 - Prenda Minha (Tradicional) Xótes
03 - João Valentão (Dorival Caymmi) Samba
04 - Muié Rendeira (Tradicional) Rojão
05 - Peixe Vivo (Tradicional) Baião
06 - Lenda do Abaeté (Dorival Caymmi) Canção
07 - Yayá Vancê Qué Morrê (Tradicional) Toada
08 - Berimbau (João Mello / Clodoaldo Brito) Capoeira


  1. O curioso deste disco é que na capa a palavra "musical" vem com acento agudo no "u". Será que os produtores do disco não viram isto?

  2. I love this album! I intended to send a copy of this to Loronix a long time ago but couldn't make a decent transfer. I found a copy in a charity shop in Leith in Edinburgh a few years ago - I'm always amazed at how many Brazilian records I find here in Scotland. Vanja's versions of these songs have led me to investigate many other artists, in particular Dorival Caymmi. I believe that Mule Rendeira was used in the film O Cangaceiro, and was subsequently adopted by many singers around the world. It was also this record which introduced me to the fascinating story of Lampiao.
