Thursday, August 21, 2008

Elis Regina - Me Deixa em Paz (1972)

There’s a lot to know about Brazilian music and a whole life is not enough to know everything. In my case, I have some important knowledge gaps, such as the vast discography of Elis Regina, considered Loronixer’s friends on a poll made two years ago, the best Brazilian diva ever. Little I know about Elis Regina discography and it is obvious that I don’t have any kind of information about this obscure album released in Portugal. Anyway, Elis Regina is a great singer and it has been a long time we don’t make one of her many albums. Let’s see.

This is Elis Regina – Me Deixa em Paz (1972), for Pergola (Portugal), with arrangements and piano by Cesar Camargo Mariano. And this is all I know about this album, which is probably a compilation, a solid listen from the start to end. The front cover says Me Deixa em Paz is a special edition made to the members of a clube de leitura (reading club). I would like to be a member of this club; it was very hard to select the featured track at Loronix Preview Center. I had to decide a single track among several classics, such like Aguas de Marco, Atras da Porta, Nada Sera como Antes, Casa no Campo, Cais, but my decision was the title track, Me Deixa em Paz (Ivan Lins / Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza). Tracks include:


  1. olá zeca,

    esse album é da mesma gravação do álbum de 72 lançado aqui no Brasil. Somente a capa é diferente. A ordem das músicas é a mesma.

  2. [IMG][/IMG]

    victor é certo, os dois são mesmos

  3. eu ia dizer a mesma coisa; eu acho esse disco um dos melhores da Elis.
