Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baden Powell - Baden Powell (1971)

Hello, good evening! I’m late for today’s post, but it is for a very good reason. Loronix page load time was increasing daily and some friends were even with no access to Loronix. It was a critical situation, fixed by the replacement of CBox, also known as Quadradinho, for another tagboard solution. Cbox was the root cause of the problem. You should feel the difference while reading this message.

Anyway, I’m really tired and this is not the best situation to write this important post, kindly made available by the great Jorge Mello. This album was recorded by Baden Powell in Paris, just after the excellent series of three albums called Baden Powell Quartet Volumes 1, 2 and 3. This album does not have a title and you need to take it on your hands to read the back cover and understands that Baden Powell makes a tribute album for two great musicians with a strong influence of Baden’s career, which are Pixinguinha and the legendary Garoto. Baden Powell performs four renditions of each one and completes the repertoire with two compositions by his own. Let’s see.

This is Baden Powell – Baden Powell (1971), for Barclay, a tribute to Pixinguinha and Garoto, with Baden performing and singing with one of his favorite’s divas, Jeanine de Waleyne. Baden Powell is an awesome musician and there is something that really makes him different from all others, he puts passion on everything and this makes the different, especially on these renditions of two other geniuses. We should say thank you to Jorge Mello for this really nice album. Tracks include:


Baden Powell
(voice, violao)
Nelson Serra de Castro
Cesario Alvim
Silvio Silveira, Luiz Agudo

Special Guests

Jeanine de Waleyne
(voice on tracks 04, 08)
Raymond Guiot
(flute on 04)
Pierre Gossez
(sax on 02)

Track List

01 - Carinhoso (Pixinguinha / João de Barro)
02 - Violão Vadio (Baden Powell / Paulo César Pinheiro)
03 - Bom de Dedo (Garoto)
04 - Naquele Tempo (Pixinguinha / Benedito Lacerda)
05 - Gente Humilde (Chico Buarque / Garoto / Vinicius de Moraes)
06 - Rosa (Pixinguinha)
07 - Pausa Para Meditação (Garoto)
08 - Márcia Meu Amor (Baden Powell)
09 - Filho de Furinha (Garoto)
10 - Um a Zero (Pixinguinha / Benedito Lacerda)


  1. por fin!!! lo esperaba desde hace tiempo...gracias, Zeca

  2. Este é um dos grandes discos do Baden, onde ele apresenta duas músicas de sua autoria, quatro músicas do Pixinguinha e quatro músicas do Garoto.Estas quatro últimas são apresentadas de modo bem peculiar, sendo bem distintas de todas as interpretações que já ouví. Certa vez Baden me contou que tudo que sabe do Garoto(a quem não conheceu pessoalmente)se deve ao Zé Menezes. Os títulos dessas músicas no disco do Baden são também diferentes também diferentes daqueles usados, por exemplo, em The Guitar Work of Garoto, de Paulo Bellinati. A "tradução" é a seguinte:
    Bom de Dedo= Jorge da Fusa
    Gente Humilde=Gente Humilde
    Pausa para Meditação=Vivo Sonhando
    Filho de Furinha= Gracioso.

  3. Thank you Zeca, a wonderful album!

  4. Unbelievable album!! Such tender playing of Garoto's Gente Humilde - fantastic arrangements, beautiful sweet guitar sound from Baden.

    Thank you so much!! GR
