If there is an artist I need to know more about, I'm sure this artist is Paulinho Nogueira, a very important Brazilian guitarist and composer with more than one hundred albums recorded, including singles, EPs and participations. Loronix has only three Paulinho Nogueira career LPs and most his vast discography never had CD reissues. I think we have a good choice to start filling this gap with the first Paulinho Nogueira LP to Continental. Let's see.
This is Paulinho Nogueira - Dez Bilhoes de Neuronios (1972), for Continental, produced by Walter Silva and arranged by a dream team of Maestros, Rogerio Duprat, Luiz Arruda Paes and Jose Briamonte. I thought Paulinho Nogueira albums were all instrumental, such strong is his association as a guitarist and this album brings a repertoire with some cuts with lyrics. Rogerio Duprat, Luiz Arruda Paes and Jose Briamonte are responsible for individual tracks arrangements with a single exception 05 - Menina, featuring individual arrangements by the trio of maestros with each one using a different approach. The outcome is very interesting, with the blend of the arrangements on a single one by Rogerio Duprat. Tracks include:
Rosario de Caria
(flauta, piccolo)
Benito Suarez Sanchez
Joao B. Pirahy
Rafael Galhardo Caro
Silvio Oliani
Eduardo Pecci "Lambari", Demetrio Santos Lima
(sax alto, flute, clarinet)
Isidoro Longano "Bolao"
(sax tenor, flute, clarinet)
Geraldo Aurienni "Felpudo"
(piston, flugelhorn)
Dorival Auriani "Buda"
(piston, flugelhorn)
Sebastiao J. Gilberto
Severino Gomes da Silva
Renato Cauchioli
(trombone, bombardino)
Ely Arcoverde
Mario Casali
Ernesto de Lucca
Drauzio Chagas "Boi"
Gabriel J. Bahlis, Claudio H. Bertrami
Heraldo do Monte, Angelo Apollonio "Poly"
(guitar, violao)
Sergio Hermann Lemke
Luiz de Andrade "Boneca"
Antonio G. de Souza Franco, Jorge H. da Silva, Raymundo Cleto do Espirito Santo "Tiao Motorista"
Antonio de Almeida "Toniquinho"
Rogerio Duprat (1), Luiz Arruda Paes (2), Jose Briamonte (3)
Track List01 - Dez Bilhões de Neurônios (Paulinho Nogueira / Zezinha Nogueira)
(1)02 - O Velho Guru (Paulinho Nogueira) (1)
03 - Pretérito Perfeito (Paulinho Nogueira)
(1)04 - Nem de Dia Nem de Noite (Paulinho Nogueira / Zezinha Nogueira)
(1)05 - Menina (Paulinho Nogueira)
(1) (2) (3)06 - Tímido (Paulinho Nogueira)
(2)07 - Odeon (Ernesto Nazareth)
(3)08 - Pra Você Que Vai Chegar (Paulinho Nogueira)
(3)09 - Um Simples Chorinho (Paulinho Nogueira)
(2)10 - Um Dois Três (Paulinho Nogueira)
(3)11 - Choro Nº 1 (Choro Típico) (Villa-Lobos)