Hello, Good Evening! Let's start the day with an important announcement to our community. We will start next Monday a special series of posts prepared by Caetano Rodrigues to celebrate the passing of our one million hits plateau. We are making something really different this time. Caetano has prepared a new package and the idea is to render an homage to the friends responsible for the one million hits conquer this friend is you.
Loronixers were responsible for one million hits and we have been thinking together how to homage Loronixers as a whole. It was easy to identify an approach looking to your numbers. Take a look at the chat above, this chart brings a representation of where visitors came from in the last year using a continent perspective, the dark green areas were responsible for a higher number of visitors and the light ones represents the lower ones. In spite of the Americas and Europe concentration, Loronix received visitors from the six continents. These numbers are very important to our community. Let's now take a look at the graph bellow.

That's right, this graph brings a new perspective showing the share of visitors among countries. More than 140 countries visited us and 90% percent of our visitors came from the top ten countries. This is wonderful, indicates we have a great opportunity of growth in this forthcoming year. The remaining 130 countries are indicated on that separeted slice with all rainbow colors.
I have been talking with Caetano, Fernando and other very close Loronix friends and all agree that the guarantee of a long live to our community and the continuous improvement of Loronix is all about growth. We did nice last year in Americas, Europe and Japan and now zecalouro asks for your help to improve Loronix in other countries.
And this is associated with next Tuesday one million hits celebration, as follows.
The CelebrationCaetano has prepared a package to homage the first ten countries; this was the best thing we could make since address 90 percent of Loronixers. Stay tunes for the next Tuesday, we will enter in a four-day celebration with special music from and for these countries. But we need your help.
I'm asking Loronixers to work together on two different efforts, as follows:
1) Identification of Bossa Nova music from some key target countries selected by Caetano and zecalouro - This is great, we have a good knowledge about Brazilian Bossa Nova discography, but it is impossible to track down from Brazil Bossa Nova albums produced in other countries.
The idea is to open a new channel to
receive from Loronixers Bossa Nova albums recorded outside of Brazil. The criteria is the word Bossa Nova written on cover, all countries are accepted, but we thing the opportunity to find new Bossa Nova albuns are:
Starting on Monday, zecalouro will place a link at Loronix to everybody's contribution.
2) Identification of musical and musician websites at countries out of our top ten list - This is all about growth, zecalouro wants to open a new blogroll (which is a list of links to others websites) with links to musical and musicians websites with a country perspective. This is the best approach for growth giving the opportunity to new musicians getting visibility to Loronix and also attracting new visitors to these countries through link exchange.
Everybody who collaborates sending an album indication or sending a link to a website from another country will be eligible to win an one month Rapidshare account and other nice gift that we are negotiating.
Thanks for the opportunity of leading this fantastic Brazilian Music community created around Loronix. We have the commitment of working hard to make your community even better and our feedback should always be willing to help us on initiatives like this one. We are nothing alone, but we are big if we walk together, collaborating with each other.
Don't miss the start of next Tuesday Celebration, it should be one of the great happenings to our community.Thanks!