Hello, good evening! Many things I learned and still learning with Loronix and the community created around our website. Among them, the generation of demand around an artist or an album is particularly interesting. These demands always return above the average albums which I would not have the opportunity to know by my own resources.
This album is a perfect example that left me in a very delicate situation about 30 minutes ago when I was googling information about it. I found it available in one of the most consistent Brazilian music blogs,
Quimsy’s Mumbo Jumbo, a permanent oasis created and maintained by Quimsy. I decided to transfer my plans to a new album at Loronix for tomorrow, but looking at Quimsy’s discography, I decided to make it and urge Loronix community to reach Quimsy by following this
link or just clicking at the small fraction of six solid albums that you will not find at Loronix. I’m sure you will have a wonderful time at Quimsy’s, just like I had today. Let’s see.

This is Rildo Hora – A Vez e a Hora de Rildo Hora (1971), for RCA, featuring arrangements by Maestro Guerra Peixe, Chico de Moraes and Rildo Hora, which also delivers violao and harmonica playing. Maestro Severino Filho (Os Cariocas) is in charge of the choir. This is the first 1971 LP issue, with no personnel listing. Perhaps the CD reissue (with a slight different cover featuring Rildo Hora’s face on red color) brings additional information. The back cover brings nice testimonies of several important artists, such like Elizeth Cardoso, Maestro Guerra Peixe, Nonato Buzar, Luiz Gonzaga and others.
I would like to reproduce Quimsy’s review to this album, an awe-inspiring declaration of love for Brazilian music. Tracks include:
"If you find Brasilian choro and frevo a little too ethnic or hardcore for your tastes, may I suggest this small offering as a way in. Samba legend Rildo Hora constructs this perfectly realised album of styles that for me encapsulates the sound of Brazil. The sound may derive from homegrown and regional musical styles but in Rildo's hands we have something greater than the sum of its parts. Be sure, this album rocks.Virtuoso harmonica player, guitarist and composer Hora lets loose a cracking batch of party driven tunes - groovy and danceable, vocally stirring and percussively infectious, a real winner and a musical education." Quimsy.01 - Leonor (Rildo Hora)
02 - Panorama Segundo Rodrigo (Rildo Hora / Antônio Carlos)
03 - Assim na Terra Como no Céu (Nonato Buzar / Roberto Menescal / Paulinho Tapajós)
04 - O Pião (Rildo Hora / Heitor Quintella)
05 - O Empinador (Rildo Hora)
06 - O Saci Pererê (Rildo Hora / Humberto Reis)
07 - A Canoa (Rildo Hora / Sergio Bittencourt)
08 - Tantas Ruas Namorei (Rildo Hora)
09 - Canção Que Nasceu do Amor (Rildo Hora / Clóvis Mello)
10 - Ciranda Terezinha e Passaraio (Rildo Hora)
11 - O Contador de Estórias (Rildo Hora / Gracindo Jr.)
12 - Chorar Pra Que (Rildo Hora)