Loronix is all about Brazilian music from the 50's to 70's and a some relevant releases from the 80's and 90's.
My name is zecalouro and I hope that uEnjoy this little blog.
Our value proposition is:
This space is to promote forgotten, rare and unknown music that do not have industry commercial interest. The majority of the content - which is not hosted on this website, but widely available on the Internet - from vinyl never reissued on CDs or CDs out of stock. This is just to promote high quality music and give a chance to these artists to capture a brand new audience worldwide. If you disagree with any posts, please tell us and the content will be promptly removed. Thanks.
Have fun!
Grande (zeca)Lôro, isto aqui é realmente uma preciosidade. Conheço muita gente que iria adorar o seu blog e todas as referências dele, mas a pergunta: É seu desejo popularizá-lo ou prefere restringí-lo ao um círculo mais limitado, pra evitar maiores problemas?
A depender da resposta, faço ou não uma propaganda.
De qualquer sorte valeu a dica, Brausen (ou Asterion)
Hi Brausen,
That's wonderful.
Remember to search for the word album on each post and click.
Take Care!
Belos álbuns, bela seleção, parabéns.
Espero poder colaborar, como posso?
drvdois (Umuarama, PR, Brazil)
Olá drvdois,
Você pode colaborar bastante comentando os lançamentos, enviando dicas, sugestões e também divulgando o Loronix para seus amigos.
Basta a gente se encontrar sempre por aqui que você já vai estar colaborando demais.
Hi. Came from Demonoid. Thank you for your reply and invitation. Very nice blog. Bookmarked it.
I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw your age!!! Thirteen???? You have very sophisticated (another word for old) tastes for 13. In any case, I'm a fan.
Thanks again. Take care.
Hey Loosygoosy!
Actually, zecalouro will be celebrating his 3rd aniversary next year.
Thanks for coming. Hope you get back often.
3rd anniversary, zecalouro? Geting younger and younger.
Many thanks for beautiful music!
Once more congratulation!
When friend of mine,Mr.M.Filipovic told me for your blog,I could not believe about enormous amount of most beautiful music.All my life I dreamed about Brazilian music which is unknown for many fans all over the world.
Violoncellist,M.Stankovic from Belgrade,Serbia
This is wonderful! Thanks so much for providing this blog. I am becoming interested in listening to older recordings from Brasil and this is great.
Dear Zecalouro ( I believe that Zecalôro is better ) , I´ve offered you a LP I get , " Emilio Santiago 77´s Feito para Ouvir " ,one of the best LP I have . I have also " Milton Nascimento - Minas " ( Blog has Geraes" , and finally I found a 8" Doris Monteiro (1958) for Columbia -no specific title , no credits also . It contains Mocinho Bonito , a hit at the time .
Are you interested ? how do I help then?
Por favor, escreva-me em zecalouro@gmail.com.
Então, combinamos.
Abraços, zeca
From today i read ALL your post
P.S. I Love Brasil and....my girlfriend Cristina from Minas Gerais, Lavras
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