Impaler is the kind of friend that does not seems to sleep. He is in charge of the great MoodieToonz, the Blog of the Impaler (with Podcasts), the Shellac Shanty (with obscure LPs) and AudiOddities (a spin-off of the Schellac Shanty). Wow!
zecalouro got tired just to write and link these four wonderful blogs, imagine the hard work to run everything great as Impaler does?
Be sure that you will have guaranteed entertainment for many times. See you there.
I am SO blushing... such kind words from such a great friend!
I found out about loronix from Mr. X of Xtabay's World and have been hooked ever since... my 11 and 13 year old daughters even now have their own CDs of Capoeira that they listen to a LOT, all because of the loving heart of zecalouro, to which I will forward many blessings.
Hey Impaler,
One of the greatest curiosities I have is to gather some kind of statistics of were people found out about Loronix. I don't know this Mr. X of Xtabay's World, great.
Before zecalouro even had the idea to build Loronix, he was hooked by your blog and others Giant Bloggers of the blogsphere.
When I saw your "Tribute to Loronix", my week was made. Thanks!
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