But this one was different, since zecalouro has authorization to make available the entire content. This message was from Tuca's nephew, which is a Loronix friend that zecalouro would like to thanks a lot for sharing his personal thoughts about his relative with all the Loronix community.
zealouro will not translate his writing to English, if any Loronix friend with better translating capabilities can do it for us, I will appreciate a lot. Let's hear what he says:
"Prezado Zeca,
Dei uma olhada no Loronix e seus comentários sobre minha tia Tuca.
Sim, ela é a falecida irmã (apenas por parte de pai) de minha mãe Maria Helena Moraes da Silva (nome de solteira), hoje com 69 anos.
Tuca cujo nome completo e correto é Valeniza Zagni da Silva, filha da madastra de minha mãe, esta por sua vez a segunda esposa do meu avô Valentim Ignácio da Silva, médico e farmacêutico famoso no interior de São Paulo (famoso naquela época, naturalmente). Chegou uma vez a candidatar-se a vereador, mas seus votos foram roubados pelo famoso político profissional Ademar de Barros (roubo mas faço, lembra?).
Minha avó faleceu quando minha mãe tinha apenas 6 meses, e não muito tempo depois meu avó casou-se novamente e alguns anos depois sua segunda esposa teve a Valeniza-Tuca. Minha mãe e ela sempre se deram muito bem no período que foram criadas juntas pela mãe/madrasta..
Infelizmente, minha tia Tuca era obesa e muito criticada nesse aspecto por falsas amigas e amigos. Isso acabou por criar graves disturbios emocionais e psicológicos nela, o que a levou a fazer um regime super rigoroso e sem acompanhamento médico, que a levou a morte por inanição, conforme inclusive noticiado na época pelos jornais e revistas. Uma pena, pois ela era um ser humano muito bom e boa cantora.
As informações citadas podem ser divulgadas se assim desejar, caso ache interessantes.
Um abraço,"
Estava para lançar esse debate há tempos.
Eu acredito que na verdade o Tuca das composições desse disco da Françoise Hardy é um guitarrista brasileiro homônimo que colaborou também com a Rita Lee na década de 70.
Alguém confirma isso?
Vejam essas reviews da Amazon do La Question: http://www.amazon.com/Question-Francoise-Hardy/dp/B00004V82J
Poor Tuca. She sounds like Karen Carpenter.
Babelfish translator: translation for English readers/speakers---
Prezado Zeca, I gave one looked at in the Loronix and its commentaries on my aunt Tuca. Yes, it is the dead sister (only on the part of father) of my mother Maria Helena Moraes Da Silva (bachelor name), today with 69 years. Tuca whose full name and correct is Valeniza Zagni Da Silva, son of madastra of my mother, this in turn the second wife of my grandfather Valentim Ignácio Da Silva, doctor and famous druggist in the interior of São Paulo (famous at that time, of course). Councilman arrived a time to candidatar it, but its votes had been stolen by the celebrity professional politician Ademar de Barros (robbery but I make, remembers). My grandmother faleceu when my mother had only 6 months, and much time later my grandmother was not married again and some years later its second wife had the Valeniza-Tuca. My mother and it had always given themselves very well in the period who had been together servants for mãe/madrasta.. Unhappyly, my aunt Tuca was obesa and very criticized in this aspect for false friends and friends. This finished for to create serious disturbios emotional and psychological in, what it took it to at the time make rigorous a super regimen and without medical accompaniment, who took it the death for starvation, as also notified for periodicals and magazines. A penalty, therefore it was very good a human being and good singer. The cited information can be divulged if thus to desire, in case that it finds interesting. One I hug, "
---personal note:
I really enjoyed the recordings posted... Some of my all-time favorite albums are the 2 Tuca did with Francoise Hardy & Nara Leao...
Absolute Gems-Tuca definitely lent a magical quality to the records with one of most unique, special voices and arrangements. In a way they are really her albums too in which she stamped her mark.
If you ever need to translate comments from loronix or elsewhere, two good sites:
-Online Language Translator
-Babelfish Translator
and more on:
Thanks again Zecalouro for these rare albums and to Tuca for the great music.
Thank you, Zecalouro, for introducing me to this great artist. "Dracula I Love You" has in the last three weeks become my favorite Brazilian album EVER. I listen to it every day and night and can't stop listening to it. Tuca was a pop genius. Again, keep up the GREAT work of spreading the message of Brazilian music.
É ela mesma, a Valeniza/ Tuca, quem compôs e tocou no disco "La Question", da Françoise Hardy, como confirmado no encarte da coletânea "Belle France", da Som Livre Direct (ex-Globodisc). Acontece que os reviews do Amazon estão originalmente em inglês e algumas palavras têm gênero neutro, diferentemente do português. E a palavra "guitar", em inglês. pode ser traduzida tanto "guitarra (elétrica)" quanto "violão (acústico)". Pelo contexto e pela musicalidade do disco, a expressão "Brazilian guitarist" deve ser traduzida como "violonistA brasileirA", no feminino.
Oi Gente!
Que bacana encontrar este blog!!! Eu sou professora de Língua e Civilização Brasileira na França, onde faço também meu doutorado sobre a imagem do Brasil na França.
A primeira vez que escutei "La question" eu senti um cheiro de Brasil no ar e quando vi que o disco era uma parceria musical franco-brasileira fiquei muito contente e quiz saber mais sobre a Guitarrista. Vocês devem convir comigo que não há muitas informações sobre a Tuca na net e para mim ela havia se tornado um grande mistério.
Já entrevistei alguns artistas franceses que têm relações com o Brasil como Moustaki, Pierre Barouh e Françoise Hardy está na minha lista. Também vou entrevistar alguns artistas brasileiros e queria muito encontrar alguém da familia da Tuca para compreender essa relação dela com a França...Pediria ao Zé, se possivel, que ele enviasse minhas coordenadas ao sobrinho da Tuca: danielafr@hotmail.fr
Desde já agradeço
Um abraço
Ave Loronix!
With all due respect to Babelfish, I hereby present a translation of the text by Thca's nephew.
"Dear Zeca,
I took a look at Loronix and your comments about my aunt Tuca.
Yes, she’s the late sister (half-blood, paternal) of my mother Maria Helena Moraes da Silva her maiden name), now 69 years old.
Tuca, whose full and correct name is Valeniza Zagni da Silva, daughter of my mother’s stepmother, and my mother, in turn, being the second wife of my grandfather Valentim Ignácio da Silva, a medic and pharmacian which was famous in upstate São Paulo (famous at the time, of course). He even ran for aiderman, but his votes were stolen by famous professional politician Ademar de Barros (“I steal but I do”, remember?).
My grandmother died when my mother was only 6 months old, and not long after my grandfather got married again and some years after his second wife had Valeniza-Tuca. My mother and her always got along very well while they were brought up together by their mother/stepmother.
Unfortunately, my aunt Tuca was overweight and very criticised in this aspect by false male and female friends. This led to serious emotional disorders in her, leading to a diet super-severe and with no medical accompaniment, causing her death by inanition, which was even published at the time by the press. A pity, for she was a very good human being and a good singer.
All mentioned information can be published if you so desire and found it interesting.”
By the way, I take the occasion to ask: a Françoise Hardy fan from abroad sent me a copy of the music sheet for "A Pergunta" ("La Question"), with the original lyrics in Portuguese. Does anyone know if Tuca herself or someone eles has recorded it?
comunidade da tuca no orkut
parabens Zeca..
por favor passe meus contaos para o sobrinho de TUCA, não esquece de pedir pra me procurar sem falta.
abçs, lucas
ps.: cosmeglaus@hotmail.com
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