Friday, October 06, 2006

Cronica da Cidade Amada - OST (1964)

Hello, this is the original soundtrack of the movie Cronica da Cidade Amada, by Carlos Hugo Christensen (1964), a comedy with short stories about the daily life of people in Rio de Janeiro, the Cariocas. I did not see the movie and probably only a few people in Brazil had the chance to watch it.

Taiguara, Tito Madi, Portinho, Blecaute and Rio 65 Trio perform the soundtrack. The cover brings a picture of a girl with a "pipa" style that I use to have a lot of fun at the beach with my parents. I could never see this "pipa" again, how I miss this time.

If you do not know what is a "pipa", it is the device used by Benjamin Franklin to discover electricity. Tracks include:

01 - Crônica da Cidade Amada (Taiguara)
02 - Aparição (Taiguara)
03 - Quero Morrer no Rio (Blecaute)
04 - Muito Tempo a Esperar (Tito Madi)
05 - Meu Fraco É Café Forte (Rio 65 Trio)
06 - Crônica de Amor (Paulo Autran)
07 - Receita de Domingo (Taiguara)
08 - Receita de Domingo (Paulo Autran)
09 - O Pombo Enigmático (Diálogo dos Pombos)
10 - Aruanda (Rio 65 Trio)
11 - Retrospecto
12 - Cidade Maravilhosa (Portinho e sua Orquestra)