Saturday, October 13, 2007

Luiz Eca & Victor Assis Brasil - Ao Vivo no Museu de Arte Moderna (1997)

Here we go on an album that I want to see at Loronix since the beginning. Thanks to tcisalpino for making it to our community using FLAC files to provide the best possible quality. This album was posthumously released in the year of 1997 by the label El Dorado and was recorded live at MAM, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro. My searches were not successful to understand why we have to wait more than 20 years to have this record released. Anyway, it is not everyday an album is released featuring Luiz Eca and Victor Assis Brasil performing together. Let's see.

This is Luiz Eca & Victor Assis Brasil - Ao Vivo no Museu de Arte Moderna (1997), for El Dorado, featuring Luiz Eca at the piano and Victor Assis Brasil at sax, performing a repertoire based on Brazilian and international standards. Definitively, this is not an album for beginners; you will have to take it for a spin several times before acquiring some intimacy. Sometimes Luiz Eca goes to a direction and Victor Assis Brasil seems to take the opposite, vice-versa. If any friend had the chance to watch this performance and has additional info about this set, feel free to use comment section to tell us something about. Thanks once again tcisalpino for providing this great album to our community. Tracks include:


Luiz Eca
Victor Assis Brasil
(sax alto)

Track List

01 - The dolphin (Luiz Eça)
02 - Na Baixa do Sapateiro (Ary Barroso)
03 - Fotografia (Tom Jobim)
04 - You must believe in spring (Michel Legrand)
05 - Samba de uma nota só (Newton Mendonça / Tom Jobim)
06 - Hi-lili hilô (Bronislaw Kaper / Helen Deutch)
07 - Insensatez (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
08 - O cantador (Nelson Motta / Dori Caymmi)
09 - The man I love (George Gershwin)
10 - Maracangalha (Dorival Caymmi)
11 - Travessia (Milton Nascimento / Fernando Brant)


lowcostmusic said...

Infelizmente em 1997 Victor Assis Brasil já fazia muita falta...

Este album é de 1973 ao que tudo indica..

Anonymous said...

Infelizmente em dobro!
1997? só se for o ano de lançamento do disco.
Luis Eça - 03/04/1936 a 25/05/1992
Vitor Assis Brasil - 28/08/1945 a 14/04/1981
Vida longa ao Loronix !!


Beto Kessel said...

Realmente este album foi lancado apos o falecimento dos dois grandes musicos brasileiros...Sou fa do tema The Dolphin....e belissimo