Anyway, Jose Ignacio Neto speaks about the Ignacio’s story and I would like to invite you to engage his first contribution, which is Anamaria and Mauricio first album by Continental in 1972, arranged by Antonio Adolfo, Chico de Moraes, Arthur Verocai and Jongo Trio. According with JIN, a sought after by DJs in Europe and Japan, featuring a Repertoire chosen by Antonio Adolfo who appears to be playing electric piano on most selections. Let’s see.
Jose Ignacio Neto welcome message to Loronix community:
His podcast Avolta Brazilian Rare Grooves created each week in his apartment in Copacabana, was soon cult listening around the globe. However, in mid 2005 he passed away and for some time the music was stopped.
All was not lost, however, 'Nono Ze' as we liked to call him, left his entire record collections of over 150,000 78s, LPs, and cassettes to my father Jose Ignacio Jr. My father soon began to take up the podcast where Nono Ze left off. So was born Avolta Jr. Alas, my father was unable to find time to keep the podcasts going for more than one year, and even Avolta Jr also stopped podcasting. Further there was a big tragedy. His secret apartment in Flamengo (where my grandmother once believed Nono Ze kept his mistress but where in reality he kept his gigantic record collection) suffered from a terrible fire which melted so many of those fantastic records. But, not all of them...
But now it's the time to introduce myself Jose Ignacio Brasileiro de Souza e Castro Neto - that means grandson. That's right I am now the third member of my family to assume the Avolta name, and zecalouro has kindly invited me to post some of Nono Ze's fantastic collection of rare Brazilian records to help and assist the amazing work already taken by Zeca and his Loronix friends.
So thank you Avolta fans for your patience and let's start with the first post (of many we hope...)
This is Anamaria & Mauricio – No, No, No… Estamos na Nossa (1970), for Continental, featuring Jongo Trio, orchestral accompaniment and Lanny Gordin as special guest. Tracks include:
01 - Freio Aerodinâmico (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
02 - Lê Lê Lê (Ivan Lins / Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza)
03 - Marina Eu Vou (Ivan Lins / Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza)
04 - Escrito na Parede da Varanda (Ruy Maurity / José Jorge)
05 - No No No Estamos na Nossa (Fernando Lona / Vidal França)
06 - Madalena (Ivan Lins / Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza)
07 - Quem Vem de Lá (Arthur Verocai / Paulinho Tapajós)
08 - Pelo Teletipo (Ruy Maurity / José Jorge)
09 - Amém América (Ruy Maurity / José Jorge)
10 - Ele e Ela (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
11 - Minie (Ruy Maurity / José Jorge)
12 - Fotograma Click (Antônio Adolfo / Tibério Gaspar)
Hey Zeca, where did you find this guy? I thought he'd disappeared without a trace?
Really nice album, too!
Great, I hope to see many rare LP`s
of this collection at Loronix in the future. Unfortunaly this first post isn`t so rare, because it was reissued on CD a few years ago in the series "Arquivos Warner". However this CD is also out-of-print now.
Essa nova série de discos que você estará disponibilizando não terão a versão FLAC ?
'Anonymous' is right it was reissued on CD in Brazil but I'm sure 99% of the world population had no access to it during it's brief life on CD and even those who buy from dustygroove cannot afford everything!
A welcome post and all your great music is welcome to us outside of Brazil!
Hey Gary,
He just stumbled upon Loronix. The whole story about his grandfather and the albums burnt in Flamengo is also awe.
Cheers, zeca
Os primeiros posts do nosso amigo podcaster não chegaram em FLAC. Vamos fazer uma campanha, quem sabe os próximos.
Mas é certo que JIN está trazendo coisas que nunca imaginavamos ouvir um dia.
Não perca!
Abraços, zeca
This is great!!!
I have heard some of the old podcasts, back when also Adam Curry (nothing to do with brasil, hehe) was introducing podcasts as a term.. and there weren't "many" podcasts on the www.
Somehow I lost the link or didn't have time anymore I can't remember.. now the family is back... great addition to already a great place as Loronix is.
I never had the occasion to thaks Jose for all the podcasts he made, so now I can do it ! Big thanks and I can't wait to hear for all the musical treasures I'm sure he's got.
Brasilians do make good music !!
Isso aqui ta cada vez melhor!
many thanks to Zeca for the possibility he gave us to hear something new from the great AVOLTA! I'm listening from Italy, and i discovered Avolta's wonderful podcasts without kwowing anything of their history, that sounds so passionate and devoted to brazilian music. Thanks for your effort. Wish you all the best.
post DERCY GONÇALVES por favor!!!
This is fantastic good news but do let us hear some of the rare 78 rpm's and hope it gets properly saturated into te community not to be in peril of any new fire or other disaster!
Thansk for more great music!
Tenho diversos volumes do A Volta e do VoltaJr até a edição 27
Então aproveitando a oportunidade agradeço a familia Volta pelos posts. E fico no aguardo do album os Brazões que participou da seleção A VoltaJr02
1. Oswaldo Nunes & The Pop's - Ta Tudo Ai
2. Luiz Eca & Familia Sagrada - Pais Tropical
3. Golden Boys - Fumace
4. Bola 7 - Negrito del Batey
5. Fuzi 9 - Poeira
6. Jorge Ben - Vamos Embora Uau
7. WIlson das Neves - Moeda, Reza e Cor
8. Raulzinho & Impact 8 - Fried Bananas
9. Meirelles e sua Orquestra - Sa Marina
10. Patropi - Que Maravliha
11. Golden Boys - Hipnose
12. Os Brazoes - Carolina, Carol Bela
Nossa se vier tudo isso meu sorriso vai de canto a canto, hehehe.
Zeca meu grande e generoso irmão, parabéns por mais essa atitude.
What a little ripper!!
I'm listening to this album through my "big" sound system, fantastic separation, brilliantly recorded.
Zeca you are a genius, thanks
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