Friday, October 26, 2007

Loronix | The very best music blog in the World by Mega Super Mammoth

I'm proud to announce that Loronix was awarded as 2007 Best Music Blog of the Year, among the 1,450 blogs available at the might Gravy Bread and his MEGA SUPER MAMMOTH MP3 Blog List, the best music blog directory available at the Internet. This is a very important award to Loronix and to our great community. Thanks a million Gravy Bread, you say that Loronix is the best music blog in the world, which is something that makes me feel very, very, very proud.

I'm taking an excerpt of Gravy Bread award announcement and I urge Loronixers to know more at his MEGA SUPER MAMMOTH MP3 Blog List.

LORONIX ( is, in the opinion of Mega Super Mammoth, the very best music blog in the world, and is therefore bestowed the debatably singular honor of being named the 2007 Mega Super Mammoth MP3 Music Blog of the Year. I will be sending a modest cash prize soon to Zeca via Paypal in appreciation for his considerable efforts. Not only does his blog offer ample and consistent content (the best and often rarest Brazilian and Brasil-themed music LPs from roughly the 1950s through the 1980s and beyond) but Zeca has succeeded grandly in creating a highly interactive web experience and cultivated a thriving international community of musicians, music lovers and scholars. (read more...)
