Maestro Portinho, is also a well-know musician to Loronix community and one of my favorite maestros. According with Zarville - Loronix Official Orchestra Music Advisor - Portinho is the Brazilian Maestro who is the best on mixing Samba and orchestral arrangements. Portinho is also an instrumentalist, play sax and clarinet. He also recorded some Choro albums. If there is something in common between these two musicians, I believe it is their constant work in studios, they were very active. Let's see.
This is Walter Wanderley e Portinho - Orgao, Sax e Sexy (1964), for Philips, released just after Entre Nos, the first Walter Wanderley album recorded for Philips, which is one that I like very much. This cover artwork explains the repertoire of romantic tunes. Personnel listing was not made available by Philips. I hope you Enjoy this really hard to find Walter Wanderley LP. Tracks include:
01 - Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
02 - Castigo (Dolores Duran)
03 - Fale Baixinho (Portinho / Heitor Carillo)
04 - A Noite do Meu Bem (Dolores Duran)
05 - Por Causa de Você (Tom Jobim / Dolores Duran)
06 - Meu Sonho É Você (Altamiro Carrilho / Átila Nunes)
07 - Suas Mãos (Pernambuco / Antônio Maria)
08 - Ouça (Maysa)
09 - Contando Estrelas (Alfredo Borba / Édson Borges)
10 - Canção de Amor (Elano de Paula / Chocolate)
11 - Ninguém Me Ama (Antônio Maria / Fernando Lobo)
12 - Risque (Ary Barroso)
Very soothing sound, thanks Zeca..
alexter ;)
Zecalouro, como sempre impecavel seu trabalho, sempre acompanho seu blog e fico muito feliz pelas suas postagens
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Daniel de Mello e a Musica da Minha Gente
Loro, discão esse mesmo!
Não se se o pessoal aqui reparou, mas o repertório é todo de 1958/59, mas quando ouvimos..., temos um som mais empastado, do que o dessa época. Meu palpite é que essa sessão de estúdio estava arquivada na Phillips desde esses anos. Resolveram lançar a sessão de estúdio com o sucesso dos discos de bossa nova do Walter Wanderley, mas quando o lançaram em 64, deram um certo tratamento no som, com ênfase nos reverbs... Por isso esse curioso som, anos 50 misturado com 60... Presentaço!
Great piece of turn-the-lights-down-low Hammond. Thanks Zeca!
Yes. Very very rare. This album goes for over £100, so I'm glad I found it here as I had considered buying it. **BUT**, owning around 90% of WW's output, plus records where he appears as guest, I must say that this isn't a good introduction to the maestro. It has none of the usual swing, and is too far removed from the fabulous ENTRE NOS. The sounds are far more in the style of a Mancini from the same period, i.e., mood exotica. Also, the model of organ is either a Hammond C2, or M1, not the B3/C3 that he used on, for example, ENTRE NOS. You cna tell this by the lack of precussive attack on the notes. One wonders why he chose such a departure. Anyway - very happy this has been posted. Big thanks.
Dear Anonymous, I think that is beause that session was probably recorded in 1958/59 and it stayed unreleased till 64, when due to the successes of the WW bossa-nova records the Phillips company decide to release it. Thats why on my view, that we can hear on this album, that really strange sounding...
Dear Thiago. Yes - that could well be the case as it is similar sounding to the 58/59 sound of his previous recordings and I hadn't thought that Phillops might have picked up on it later. As someone who plays organ (often in a style somewhere between WW and Ed Lincoln) I'm always fascinated by previously unheard WW recordings. People often comment that WW's style is complcated and difficult to mimick. This is true - but by listening to early recordings, and slowly hearing how his technique develops, his classic style slowly emerges and can be emulated. By O SUCESSOS E SAMBA (1961???)the classic technique is just starting to emerge and he is beginning to find "that sound". Of course his success was helped by the fact that he was a good arranger and was surrounded by fabulous players. For what it's worth, I think the re-issued ORGANIZED is his finest LP. "Opinao" being a particularly superb recording. But I digress....
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