You are probably a big fan of the last Rio 65 release and I do not need to detail what you have in front of you, just remember that Rio 65 Trio is Edison Machado (drums), Dom Salvador (piano) and Sergio Barroso (bass). Probably, Loronix friend will ask what is M.P.M., it is just the short form of Musica Popular Moderna. This release was recently reissued and took me by surprise last week for being out of print again. Tracks include:
01 - Cartão de Visita (Carlos Lyra / Vinicius de Moraes)
02 - Deve Ser Bonito (João Mello / Lenora)
03 - Simplesmente (Édison Lobo)
04 - Apelo (Baden Powell / Vinicius de Moraes)
05 - Ponte Aérea (Zé Keti)
06 - O Amor e o Tempo (Durval Ferreira / Regina Werneck)
07 - Vem Chegando a Madrugada (Noel Rosa de Oliveira / Zuzuca)
08 - Chorinho A (Neco)
09 - Upa Neguinho (Edu Lobo / Gianfrancesco Guarnieri)
10 - Rio 65 Trio Tema (Dom Salvador)
11 - Ilusão à Toa (Johnny Alf)
12 - Seu Encanto (Marcos Valle / Paulo Sergio Valle)
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