Sunday, January 27, 2008

Special Post | Beco das Garrafas

Hello, good evening! That last challenge with the aerial view of Beco das Garrafas was the inspiration I need to go there to make this special post. Let's see.

This is my itinerary, it was just a matter to fly out of the window from my place at A, take Av. Atlantica and turn right at Rua Duvivier, which is the street where Beco das Garrafas is at B. A very easy 700 meters flight, according with Google Site Maps, here.

Here we see Rua Duvivier and Beco das Garrafas entrance with the legendary nightclubs, Bottles, Bacarat (in the middle) and Little Club (the last one).

This is the front view of Beco. I found a nice sir in front of Bottles painting the word "Bossa Nova 50 Anos" on a piece of cartoon. I think he found an inspirational place to make his painting...

Bacarat nightclub main entrance door detail. I put my hand on the door to feel some "vibrations" and the old sir start thinking I was crazy.

This is the last nightclub, Little Club, still opened for business as Don Juan nightclub.

This is the main entrance of Bottles and Ma Griffe nightclubs, not used as nightclubs anymore.

Here we see Beco das Garrafas from the opposite angle. The old guy forgot me and is now fully dedicated to his painting.

At the opening of Beco das Garrafas, there is a lot to do by visiting a new store, Bossa Nova & Companhia, a branch of Toca do Vinicius in Ipanema. Bossa Nova & Companhia sells CDs, LPs, DVDs, musical instruments, songbooks and sheet music on a very atmosphere, with lots of vintage Bossa Nova items such like photos and memorabilia.

... and this is zecalouro going back home with his new Loronix t-shirt.

Hope uEnjoy!