Sunday, January 28, 2007

Quarteto em Cy - Em Cy Maior (1968)

It is amazing the great feedback the girls from O Quarteto em Cy receives on each release at Loronix. The Debut LP for Forma, her last release with the green cover was truly amazing. I think today is the best day to bring Quarteto em Cy again to Loronix. I received this morning an e-mail from our Brazilian-French French-Brazilian Loronixer Jean Yves (Jean do Trombone) with historical information of Quarteto em Cy formations to Loronixers. I will show the work of Jean with a great Quarteto em Cy LP.

This is Quarteto em Cy - Em Cy Maior (1968), for Elenco, featuring Cyva, Cybele, Cynara and Regina (CyRegina), now is piece of cake according with Jean Yves chart that you see before tracks. Quarteto em Cy - Em Cy Maior has arrangements from Oscar Castro Neves and is produced by Aloysio de Oliveira. Jean Yves called my attention this morning to this very nice LP that has also a unique participation of Sergio Porto on a track. Tracks include:

01 - Frevo de Orfeu (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
02 - Lua Cheia (Toquinho / Chico Buarque)
03 - Juliana (Dorival Caymmi)
04 - Onde Está Você (Oscar Castro Neves / Luvercy Fiorini)
05 - Minha Palhoça (J. Cascata)
06 - Samba do Carpinteiro (Velha / Alcebíades Barcelos "Bide")
07 - Samba do Crioulo Doido (Sergio Porto) Participação: Sergio Porto
08 - Aioká (Carlos Coquejo / Alcyvando Luz)
09 - Rancho de Ano Novo (Edu Lobo / Capinan)
10 - Minha Rua (Sidney Miller)
11 - A Volta do Chorinho (Lindolfo Gaya / Aloysio de Oliveira)

Cyva, Cybele, Cynara e Cylene
1964 . 1° LP :« Quarteto em Cy »
1965 . 2° LP : « Som definitivo »

Cyva, Cybele, Cynara e Regina (Cyregina)
1967 . « Maré em Cy »
1968 . « Em Cy maior »

Cyva, Cyregina ,Cynthia e Cymiramis (1970 a 1972)
Trip to USA, the girls terminate without recoding

Cyva , Cynara ,Soninha e Dorinha
1972 LP « Quarteto em Cy »
1975 LP « Antologia do samba-canção »
1979 Lp « Cobra de vidro » (com MPB 4)

Cybele, Cyva , Cynara , Soninha
This formation remains since 1980