We have here another good example, Vox Populi, same (1967). These guys took everything available at that time and made this nice mix of MPB, Jazz, Bossa Nova, Samba Jazz and Sergio Mendes Bossa Rio style. Vox Populi and this LP are so obscure that zecalouro cannot guarantee if it is a debut LP or one in a row of a series.
As a matter of fact, Vox Populi the set was made with wonderful Brazilian musicians: Fernando Leporace (Bass), Amaury Tristão (Vocals), Guto Graça Melo (Guitar), Helvius Vilela (Piano), Getúlio Pereira (Drums), Cecília Saldanha da Gama (Vocals), Laudir de Oliveira (Percussion) and Otavio Brandao (Vocals).
Por falar nisso, ainda não conseguiu nada de Roberta Sá? Já escutou as músicas que eu coloquei?
Mesmo assim, é ótimo o seu trabalho.
epa, Roberta Sá não - RENATA LU... RENATA LU... RENATA LU, repete o loro...
A Renata Lu foi uma cantora de Samba que apareceu em 1976, gravou dois discos e depois, sumiu.
Acho bastante improvável que alguém tenha guardado ou que ainda disponibilize.
Mas de qualquer forma, obrigado e estamos aí!
This is a real gem. Thanks Green Parrott!
A Renata Lú gravou ao menos 3 discos:
Renata Lú (1971),
Sandália de Prata (1976),
Tô Voltando (1979).
O site está jóia!
arara azul
i'm the one who requested this record, so thank you very much. i'm returning home from holidays only to find that you've done a really good detective job.
I think that by sharing all those forgotten gems, you are doing a preservation work of the musical memory...
Serge Aqua
Guess what, record industry? I went and bought the CD version of this album AFTER hearing this LP upload on Loronix--something I would never have heard or known about otherwise. Yet the corporate shills still perpetuate the myth that filesharing hurts sales. People will pay money for good music, but won't when the music industry offers up their usual garbage. Thanks Loronix, home of the Green Parrott.
PoooUTZ! Zeca, meu louro, chapei com esse disco que só agora pude escutar. Sensacional!! Me lembro vagamente do Vox Populi como participante assíduo de festivais dos anos 60, ou seria um grupo homônimo? A julgar por este disco, por que não fizeram sucesso algum está muito, muito além de minha compreensão.
Parafraseando o irascível Paulo Francis, essa Renata Lu deve ser alguém famosíssima porque eu não conheço...
This was the only LP made by Vox Populi. I know because I reissued the version you have here! This was remastered from the original tapes at Musidisc, but the original 4 track tapes did not have the original sound effects on the track Asteroide Sonoro, so they were re-created with modern effects pedals! The original LP version is more psychedelic.
Jose Ignacio - Avolta www.thepodcasters.com
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