Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wilson Simonal - S'imbora (1965)

My approach to the whole discography of this great artist is unique. I use to listen to his music several times before showing to Loronixers. Perhaps it is the need of saying something new every time or the responsibility to show a new album by one of the top five most popular artists at Loronix. Everybody likes Wilson Simonal. I spoke this week with the Green Eyed Lady and for my surprise; the Jazzy Lady is also a big fan of this great artist.

This post is dedicated to Max de Castro and Wilson Simoninha, Loronixers since the very first beginning and one of the most open and friendly artists I had the chance to know with Loronix. You are the guys!

This is Wilson Simonal - S'imbora (1965), for Odeon. S'imbora is the fourth Wilson Simonal career album. The repertoire selection is a must with a nice selection of Bossa Nova standards. Odeon delivers a dream-team of arrangers to Wilson Simonal, including Eumir Deodato, Lyrio Panicalli and Erlon Chaves, each one in charge of a given track, as described at track listing. Tracks include:

01 - Mangangá (Geraldo Nunes) (1)
02 - Fica Mal Com Deus (Geraldo Vandré) (2)
03 - Sonho de Um Carnaval (Chico Buarque) (1)
04 - Samba do Carioca (Carlos Lyra / Vinicius de Moraes) (2)
05 - Duas Contas (Garoto) (3)
06 - Se Todas Fossem Iguais a Você (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes) (2)
07 - Ladeira do Pelourinho (Jair Amorim / Evaldo Gouveia) (3)
08 - Balanço Zona Sul (Tito Madi) (1)
09 - Nós Dois (Silvio César) (3)
10 - O Apito no Samba (Luis Bandeira / Luis Antônio) (3)
11 - O Teu Amanhã (Durval Ferreira / Regina Werneck) (2)
12 - Lenda (Marcos Valle / Luis Fernando Freire) (3)

Arrangements by: (1) Erlon Chaves
Arrangements by: (2) Eumir Deodato
Arrangements by: (3) Lyrio Panicalli