The Legendary Todamerica kept business from 1950 through the 70's in Sao Paulo. The artists that recorded to Todamerica includes Joao Gilberto - which 78 RPMs are already available at Loronix - Elizeth Cardoso, among others.
zecalouro presents a compilation of 12 songs recorded by Elizeth Cardoso for Todamerica label at the early 50's, very nice ones.The cover artwork is just to capture your attention and makes the post looks beautiful, it was taken from the LP A Meiga Elizeth #2. Tracks include:
01 - Complexo
02 - Cancao de Amor
03 - Vem para os Bracos Meus
04 - A Mentira Acaba
05 - Da Me tuas Maos
06 - Quem Diria
07 - O Amor e Uma Cancao
08 - Se eu Pudesse
09 - E Sempre Assim
10 - Falsos Beijos
11 - As Palavras nao Dizem Tudo
12 - Nosso Amor Nossa Comedia
Quero lembrar que a diva Doris Monteiro gravou vários 78s na Todamerica....
A pity. Another "forbidden" file. So much great music from your blog, still!
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