Loronixers had the chance to known one of Marcos Valle work to Brazilian TV with the LP Vila Sesamo - Brazilian version of Sesame Stree Show. zecalouro is now making available a YouTube video at the end of this post showing a Marcos Valle visit at Vila Sesamo playing O Tema de Garibaldo. Nice to watch. Tracks include:
01 - O tempo da gente (Ary Carvalho - Paulo Sergio Valle - Marcos Valle)
02 - Sem Voce Nao Da (Erasmo Carlos - Marcos Valle)
03 - Um Tempo Musical (Paulo Sergio Valle - Marcos Valle)
04 - Ah! Voce Mulher (Paulo Sergio Valle - Marcos Valle)
05 - Proton, Eletron, Neutron (Paulo Sergio Valle - Marcos Valle)
06 - Ta Tudo Bem (Vinicius Cantuaria - Marcos Valle)
07 - Voo no Tempo (Paulo Sergio Valle - Marcos Valle)
08 - Pior que e (Eumir Deodato - Marcos Valle)
09 - Na rede (Marcos Valle)
10 - No Inicio (Paulo Sergio Valle - Marcos Valle)
zecalouro, que maravilha!
sou um frequentador assíduo do blog há um mes, quando descobri esta pérola em meio a tanta coisa ruim na internet!
cara, vc ta resgatando um tesouro nacional, tem mta coisa aqui q o brasil todo devia conhecer! fico felicíssimo ao saber q existe gente como vc, que se preocupa em trazer pra gente o melhor da cultura brasileira!
sou músico, e cada vez que encontro um disco, o coração dispara!
mto obrigado, e espero contribuir sempre que possível tb!
um grande abraço,
douglas regis.
Mais um grande disco do Marcos Valle.Valeu!
Olá, ZL!!
Mas q lindo seu site, amigo!!
E ai, cade o link pro LP, ou eu q to enganada e vc postou foi o video mesmo? Ja foi muito bom, entao!
Valew, assim voce vai deixar a gente d
e HD entupiiiido!
Um belissimo findi pra vc e todos os amantes da boa muska brasileira!
Jokas, té depois...
What a rarity! Although the synthesized drums nearly spoil it all, and certainly date this disc badly, this is a better album than I expected it would be. The remake of Proton, Eletron, Neutron is quite interesting, with the accordion. Loved the Vila Sesamo clip, too. Muito obrigado!
Hello Friends,
I was not sure that this Valle record would be so celebrated at Loronix. Once again I was wrong.
As pawlyshyn said, many records from the 70's were released with such bad synthetized Olivetti's work, in this case here, not a show stopper.
thanks for enjoying that.
Back in the early to mid 70s Valle looked like (and sounded much more groovy and appealing than) Jesus, the hirsute and alleged Son of God. By the time of this album he looks like someone who might play an ex-football playing dad on a cheesy soap-opera. The perm! The beard! The orange flesh! The dreadful 80s duds and the design and lettering!! It all looks so hideous... But, knowing dear old Marcos, it'll not sound as bad as it looks... I can't wait to hear it. Mind you, I'm not a big fan of drum machines...
The Goat (a drummer by the way)
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