This is Elizeth Cardoso - Noturno (1957), for Copacabana. Even if you already have the earlier music from the original post, take this one. The music is improved and was taken by one of those last anonymous contributions to Loronix. There are songs of Noel Rosa, Custodio Mesquita, Ary Barroso, Silvio Caldas mixed with fresh compositions of Antonio Carlos Jobim and Tito Madi. Tracks include:
01 - Na Baixa do Sapateiro (Ary Barroso)
02 - Risque (Ary Barroso)
03 - Chove Lá Fora (Tito Madi)
04 - Molambo (Jaime Florence "Meira" / Augusto Mesquita)
05 - Feitiço da Vila (Vadico / Noel Rosa)
06 - Noturno Em Tempo de Samba (Custódio Mesquita / Evaldo Ruy)
07 - Se Todos Fossem Iguais a Você (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
08 - Chão de Estrelas (Silvio Caldas / Orestes Barbosa)
09 - Olhos Verdes (Vicente Paiva)
10 - Promessa (Custódio Mesquita / Evaldo Ruy)
This album is a classic among classics and a doorway to a time--or, should I say, grandeur--lost. Each song is a production done with consummate taste. Elizete Cardoso is Brazil's nightengale. Her vibrato is so beautiful that at times it sounds like the trilling of a bird. On "Chove La Fora" she reaches heights of vocal art that I have rarely heard. And "Noturno" is such a tour de force for her considerable talents that I can see why it is the title tune. And, finally, mention must be made of the exquisite introduction to "Se Todos Fessem Iquais a Voce." With the posting of this extraordinary album, your blog becomes an oasis of beauty and of transcendant art. You will find it hard to top this album. It is a masterpiece.
Obrigado Zecalouro por mais essa jóia do cancioneiro brasileiro. Esse é, talvez, o mais clássico lp da Divina. Não há nada que se compare a interpreção soberta de Elizete em Noturno.
Uma sugestão: tenho sérias dificuldades com o inglês e porisso solicito que, se for possível, faça seus comentário dos discos também em português. Pode ser mesmo em manauense.
Artur Pedreira
Hello David, Hello Artur,
Before Noturno, zecalouro was sure that the only human on earth that could sing as sharp as an instrument was Joao Gilberto. This LP shows that I was wrong.
By this record, the production, repertoire selection and arrangements it is clear that Elizeth has control of everything she does, end to end. I don't know if you understand Portuguese but this is clearly a conceptual LP where each song links with the next building a theme as result of the overall experience.
Angela Maria is another great singer, perhaps better than Elizeth. In the other hand, Angela does not have any kind of control of overall recording process, resulting in some weird LP as we could see on her last post.
Anyway, since it is a classic, I'm making available a giant size artwork from front and back cover: Front - and Back -
Obrigado por ter apreciado o Noturno, tudo nesse disco saiu direito.
Quanto ao idioma tupiniquim, seria maravilhoso escrever em portugues, mas acho que o ingles permite que muito mais gente consiga acesar e entender as informações de cada post. Apesar de nós aqui do Brasil contarmos com a maior parte dos usuários existem mais 82 países que já visitaram o Loronix, dentre esses, talvez uns 10 tenham o portugues como língua mater.
Mas tem um remédio que se não resolve, ajuda um pouco. O Babelfish, um tradutor on-line, capaz de fazer uma tradução razoável. Experimente esse link: e preencha abaixo de Translate a Web page o endereço do Loronix Logo depois, selecione a opção English to Portuguese e você terá o website traduzido.
Qualquer ajuda, entre em contato:
Another classic I will probably never hear: now "forbidden." So many other fabulous recordings, though, I will probably not feel the pain too much. What a great blog!
Zeca, tem um Elizeth que vc ja postou onde que ela se encontra com varios maestros, inclusive o DIGNO MOACIR SANTOS. Dá prá fazer um re-post????
Outro ponto:
nao acredito que seu encontro com Sarah Vaughan nao tenha produzido algum duo vocal!
Agora, se foi registrado...
Seu blog é dez, dez não,
I am a long time admirer of your blog and have been meaning to leave you comments many times. You do such a great job of presenting all this wonderful music. I want to thank you for offering this Elizeth Cardoso album in flac. I prefer the lossless format and would love to see all future posts be in flac. I do understand that the files are larger, but from an archival point of view you only need to rip the vinyl ONCE and then it can be compressed to whatever degree people want.
My only small, tiny complaint is that I wish you would use diacritical marks when you tag the files. I may be overly picky, but it makes reading the track information (in my poor Portuguese) much easier if I don't have to struggle with whether it was an e (and) or an é (is) on the display. I also wouldn't have to constantly keep making notes to change nao to não and coracao to coração. It is amazing how many times these words are used in song titles!
I don't mean to gripe. It would just make what is a great blog into a blog maravilhoso (is blog masculine or feminine?).
Thanks again for a wonderful site. Keep up the great work.
Caro Loronix.
Mais uma obra-prima de uma das duas maiores cantoras que este Brasil já teve (o meu dilema é que entre a Divina e a Pimentinha eu não consigo distingüir a melhor).
Quando entra a voz da Elizete na "Baixa do Sapateiro" é de arrepiar.
PS: Poderemos ter novamente o "Ao Vivo em Tóquio?"
One of greatest albums ever recorded (anywhere, anytime, any kind of music). Thanks so much for the post.
By the way, FLAC encoded files sound so much better than (128 kbs) MP3, that FLAC encoding should be rule, not the exception.
Many thanks for reposting this recording!
I had never heard this before, it is a fantastic recording of songs & voice. I highly recommend it to everyone reading these comments.
Dear Friends,
Thanks for all comments at this post. Just want to remember that Noturno was recorded in 1957, 51 years ago and stills an extraordinary album that should be taken in consideration on every serious list of Brazilian top albums ever.
Thanks once again,
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