Monday, February 19, 2007

Oswaldo Luiz e Seu Conjunto - Boite do Faz de Conta (1963)

I spent most part of the day outside to see what exactly is this phenomenon called Carnaval that stops Brazil for almost a week. I took my camera with me hoping to find nice shots of authentic Carnaval on streets of Rio to show Loronixers. Unfortunately, I could not make good shots in the middle of the crowd swinging and singing. Actually, this was a useful day; I could realize what exactly is my problem with Carnaval. I cannot feel happy as everybody uses to be in the middle of a parade. Carnaval is great, if you live outside of Brazil, come to see it next week, but it is something that I cannot explain is why everybody gets happy at Carnaval. Anyway, perhaps the problem is with zecalouro.

Let's continue today with that series of posts that zecalouro never had the nerve to share due several reasons. This one is another, now with really serious concerns about. I will tell you.

This is Oswaldo Luiz e Seu Conjunto - Boate do Faz de Conta (1963), for Discos Design. First disturbing thing, maybe wrong as I was yesterday on Mandrake Som, but in my opinion, this record is fake, never saw it on vinyl and was sent by someone in the very beginning of Loronix. Who ever heard about Discos Design? How is Oswaldo Luiz? What is the reason of this title with the phrase "Faz de Conta", on a free translation to English, "pretends to be". In spite of all the uncertainness, it is a nice record, featuring piano, bass, drums and guitar, very well played. Comments section is open to blame zecalouro for not knowing Oswaldo Luiz and this possibly legendary album. Tracks include: