This is Sivuca - Sivuca Med Putte Wickman Orkester (1968), for Interdisc - Sweeden, featuring Sivuca (violao, accordion and vocal), Putte Wickman (clarinet), Gõran Linhberg e Rolf Larsson (organ), Arne Willhemson (bass) e Fredrik Noren (drums). Do not take this record as the same of the previous Sivuca collaboration with Putte Wickman, which is something that our friend Luis did at that time. Tracks include:
01 - Misty (E. Garner)
02 - There Will Never Be Another You (M. Ager)
03 - Someone To Wathc Over Me (George Gershwin)
04 - Céu e Mar (Sivuca)
05 - Rosinha (Sivuca)
06 - Poema a Madrogda (Sivuca)
07 - La Pluie Sur La Mer (Sivuca)
08 - Berimbau (Sivuca)
that performance was ... very nice. Love his vocals =D
Great, great, great!
This Sivuca appearance at the Swedish TV is really extraordinary! His impecable swing and domain of the melodic improvisation put the musician on the top of music-monsters pyramid. Only the accordion, without any other harmonic support...
It's the best way to begin a day...
Very thanks, Zeca!
Muito legal! I had never heard of Sivuca until a few months ago (thanks to zecalouro) and now I'm totally obsessed with his music. He's the epitome of swing, brasilian music, and loose improvisation; I love it! This video is great; really shows how he and his other musicians worked together. Completely unique in my opinion. Obrigado!
É o que digo aos amigos. O Louro cativa novos apreciadores de uma música - e músicos - que têm muitos segredos a serem revelados.
Veja só o marcosit2005.
Seja bem vindo marcosit2005.
They show this concert on SVT (Swedish Public TV) last summer (2006), but unfortunately I was helping my sister move so I just saw the very end.
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