This is Nara Leao - Manha de Liberdade (1966), for Philips. Among Nara Leao albums at Loronix, this is the cover I like most, it makes me think Nara Leao as a gladiator with her violao full of flowers. Personnel listing is not available, the arrangements of Geni Marcondes are the exception. Tracks include:
01 - A Banda (Chico Buarque)
02 - Ana Vai Embora (Franklin Dario)
03 - Funeral de um Lavrador (Joao Cabral de Mello Neto / Chico Buarque)
04 - Como Dois e Dois sao Quatro (Denoy de Oliveira / Ferreira Gullar)
05 - Morena dos Olhos D'Agua (Chico Buarque)
06 - Favela (Pandeirinho / Jorginho)
07 - Manha de Liberdade (Marco Antonio / Nelson Lins de Barros)
08 - Menina de Hiroshima (Luiz Carlos Sa / Francisco de Assis)
09 - Ladainha (Capinan - Gilberto Gil)
10 - Cancao do Bicho (Denoy de Oliveira / Geni Marcondes / Ferreira Gullar / Oduvaldo Viana Filho)
11 - Cancao da Primavera (Carlos Elias)
12 - Faz Escuro mas eu Canto (Thiago de Mello / Monsueto)
Hello Zeca,
Nara is great- really, every time.
I am happy that I have the fantastic CD box- but only the first period box- but Zeca helped me also to get some of here newer work . what a beautiful artist Nara was.It is sad that many great brazilian femmale singers passedc away so early, S.Telles, Nara, Maysa...
so it is great that Zeca do such nice posts memory- . By the way . Thiago post a wonderful short video of Maria Toldeo singing with Luiz Bonfa on guitar on his -Beautiful- I never believe to get the chance to see her on time on video- So who knows- perhps it is really there a chance that we will see a tape or video with Carlos Lyra with Stan Getz (something that seems really impossible) somewhere in future-perhaps someone hear the "crying" ...
Best wishes
I love this album.This is one of my favorite Nara Leão LP. Arrangements are complex and subtle, with a little strangeness at times. And Cancao da Primavera is such a magical song ...
Great arrangement. Very different from Dez Anos Depois. Nara Leao is very versatile able to move from one genre to another so effortlessly. Very enjoyable and eccentric at times.
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