This is Christiane Legrand - Of Smiles and Tears (1971), for Philips. My searches have failed on finding information about Christiane Legrand and this LP and you will have to believe in Mr. G. and zecalouro this time. This is a nice set of Bossa Nova songs converted to French lyrics. Christine understood perfectly the Bossa Nova spirit and the way of singing. I'm not an expert on French language, so I cannot evaluate how lyrics were converted, but the outcome sounds nice and it seems that Mr. G. is right to say it is a masterpiece. I invite you to check this out. Tracks include:
01 - Rome (Children's Game)
02 - Avec Des Je Avec Des Ja (Voce e Eu)
03 - Cent Mille Poissons Dans Ton Flilet (O Cafona)
04 - La Riziere (Cancao do Sal)
05 - Ta Maison N'est Plus La Mienne (Travessia)
06 - HLM et Cine Roman (Shirley Sexy)
07 - Maria Endormie (Maria, Minha Fe)
08 - Vai (Canto de Ossanha)
09 - Deux Camarades (Morro Velho)
10 - Catavento
11 - Tant de Gens (Outubro)
Disco SENSACIONAL, MARAVILHOSO, INSPIRADOR! Por que 'esconderam' da gente essa maravilha?? Por que a Philips nunca se preocupou em editá-lo no Brasil?
Honestamente, nem tenho palavras para agradecer a Mr. G e Zeca a publicação desse incrível disco.
Christiane's father Raymond and uncle Jacques (Hélian) were well-known band leaders in the 40s and 50s; another famous family member is brother Michel.
More on this album. It is such a lovely, gentle album, well worth your listening. Trust the jazzman.
Christine Legrand, was a member of the Swingle Singers. She was the singing voice of Emily in the film "Umbrellas of Cherbourg" (1964).
A French vocal group famed for tackling all manner of classical material (baroque, fugues, madrigals, orchestral overtures) and switching them to an a cappella swing setting, the Swingle Singers was formed in Paris during the early '60s by American expatriate Ward Swingle. By the time of their 1963 album debut, the group comprised eight voices -- Swingle, Christiane Legrand (sister of Michel), Jean-Claude Briodin, Anne Germain, Claude Germaine, Jean Cussac, Claudine Meunier and Jeanette Baucomont. That album, Jazz Sebastian Bach (titled Bach's Greatest Hits in America), earned the group a Grammy award and almost made the Top Ten.
A voz versátil e cristalina de Cristiane Legrand é, dentre todas as formações dos Swingle Singers, a principal e inequívoca assinatura deste grupo maravilhoso. Não é surpresa ouví-la cantando tão maravilhosamente nossa música, com tamanha emoção e técnica. É lamentável que um registro deste nível jamais tenha sido editado em CD. Realmente impressionante... Ainda bem que existe o LORONIX.
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